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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 28, 2011
Shanghai, China
Hi guys, I don't know about you, but have just installed 10.14 and this process PARSECD is spiking up CPU to 60% or more sending my fans crazy.

Tried to quit and force quit several time, but keeps coming back.
Anybody has the same issue?

One side question: should I want to reinstall 10.13, I'd usually go restarting my Mac with Command+R and then reinstalling, but I am unsure if the system that is going to be reinstalled is a new copy of the current (beta) or the last legitimate system 10.13

Many thanks for your support.


macrumors regular
Jul 23, 2015
Also had this problem and it looked like Safari triggered the parsecd process. After quitting Safari parsecd kept on using some cpu but after force quitting it didn't come back until I launched Safari again so I went back to 10.13. Don't know if it was fixed in beta 2.


macrumors 603
Jun 13, 2016
Full disclosure: I'm not on Mojave.

However that process is related to automatic suggestions in the browser and elsewhere. Siri, in other words. You might try disabling Siri completely from Settings if you don't use it or, otherwise, just try removing access to Location Services for Siri. In High Sierra you'd find that in Settings -> Security and Privacy -> Privacy -> Location Services and remove Siri and Dictation.
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