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macrumors G5
Original poster
Jul 29, 2011
Somewhere Back In The Long Ago
My R4 has developed a strange habit that I'm not sure if I should be concerned about or not. The blinking "Spinning" light below the Thunderbolt connected light is blinking constantly.

In all other respects the unit is functioning perfectly.

I have:

Ejected and disconnected the unit and re-booted it (same result)

Moved the TB cable to the other port on the R4 (Same result)

Only clue I can give is that this began after I ran the monthly utilities...Media Patrol and redundancy check.

Anybody have any ideas?
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macrumors G5
Original poster
Jul 29, 2011
Somewhere Back In The Long Ago
Just had another thought....Pegasus don't list this activity light in the manual. but I wonder if indexing could be causing this? I'm running redundancy check again....If the light remains on when this completes, I'm thinking just leave the unit on and allow indexing to complete?


macrumors G5
Original poster
Jul 29, 2011
Somewhere Back In The Long Ago
Well, since nobody seems to have any ideas...I attempted to restore to factory defaults....This failed. So I ejected the device, unistalled the Promise utility, shut down my iMac, did a PRAM and SMC re-set, re-installed the utility, whereupon it discovered a firmware update (despite me checking first and getting an up to date message)

Then I tried the factory default re-set again...Seems to have worked and am now running Initialisation again. This will take all day, but hopefully I will then have access to the configuration wizard..

I managed to move everything off the R4 prior to doing all this, so hope fully after I've gone through the setup process again I can move everything back.

As to what caused this I have no idea....The spinning drive light mentioned above is still blinking, but the activity lights on all four drives are showing that the LPO is running...If that doesn't solve the issue it's back to Apple.


macrumors G5
Original poster
Jul 29, 2011
Somewhere Back In The Long Ago
Resolved it...Apparently I was "Pushing the device beyond it's intended parameters"


Never...Anyway, they sent me a BETA version that allows more flexibility...The little light (And I quote) was "Intened for future releases and what did you do?"


Now it's really working hard!
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