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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 26, 2011
So many people just follow the stereotype of each phone but they are not always true. Like Android is cheap- there are some expensive Android phones out there. -Or- Apple users are not as intelligent but there are some very techy people and smart people using iOS.

So, my thing is people should not do this to themselves- locking themselves in 1 camp or another. Try different OSes before forming an opinion or just say you do not have an opinion because you have not tried both. Trying both OS actually mean you have to own the phone for awhile (a few months at least lol) because both OS needs an adjustment period. I really mean both OS even iOS! This is important because people think iOS is simple and do not need that much time to adjust. Android obviously is more customize-able and really needs a bit time to do some user input. because you get so used to doing it 1 way in one OS you think another way of doing things is not good but in fact it is what you gotten used to.

If you tried both and picked the one you liked, then there you go. That is the phone that you like and you now can form an opinion. More times than not, the opinion formed is that they are both very good in its unique ways neither is truly bad- I am talking about flagship iOS and Android devices (not the free Android phones-because I have not tried them not that they are bad / good).


macrumors 603
Jul 12, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
I think the only ones that say Android phones are cheap are iPhone users that just say that because they arent as expensive as Apples.....but nothing is lol. Laptops, PCs , tablets, Apple TV....nothing. Its all cheaper on another brand. There are cheaper Android phones on the lower scale but now Apple has that with the SE.

Im all for my phone of choice being cheaper and having more features.
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Oct 2, 2016
Expensive doesn't equal better, Apple fans just trash Android users so it makes them feel special with their need of self validation, just like they are part of an elite club.
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macrumors G3
Oct 27, 2009
I sold my Apple watch several months ago, and nowadays use my PC desktop and laptop more than my MBP 15. I have an iPad Air that I use on occasion. I also still have my iPhone 7+ which I barley use as well.

One of the reasons I don't think I'll consider an iPhone upgrade anytime soon, is because I would feel short changed, cause it would seem like an incomplete experience without the ecosystem of other Apple devices. Nowadays it's just not the same anymore without using other Apple devices on a regular basis. And I'm not going to switch back to the Apple Watch, and using my Mac OS more than Windows just to suit a new iPhone.

Years ago, the iPhone/iOS was still grand enough as a stand alone device/OS. But today as a stand alone, iMessage would probably be the only plus, and only by a small margin since I use Whatsapp, Telegram, and etc frequently.

Android and manufacturers like Samsung have basically caught up to the polish, reliability, hardware design, and etc. I've noticed they are starting to focus on integration, streamlining, and ecosystem more and more each year. When the Android world catches up to Apple in that respect, then Apple will have an actual problem.

Both platforms are neck to neck, depending on preference. But the majority of iPhone user's preference is the ecosystem. So what happens when Android and manufacturers like Samsung are caught up in that area? The excuses to stick with the iPhone will run out.

Apple is at the point where there next release is rumored to have a regular sized, gigantic sized, and a budget version. If that's true, then that's telling in itself. iPhones are still going to sell like hotcakes, but the X failed it's projections, and I think that's going to be a new trend.

Besides Samsung, Google has a great chance to hit Apple where it hurts. But I never understood their manufacturing decisions when it comes to hardware. Especially since their phones are not much cheaper like back in the Nexus days.
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 26, 2011
I agree with you guys. I also have a Apple watch but I'm getting a cheap Samsung s2 watch with data . I can afford the iPhone x but I'm really liking the note 8. I wish there's a way to use the Apple watch with my note but definitely not. That's the thing, I don't hate Apple but you can't incorporate their stuff if you don't want an iPhone. I do have the MacBook but I'm considering the Surface.

I got Chromecast ultra and will sell the Apple TV in 4k as well.

The Apple air pod works well with the note 8 actually better because incoming calls goes directly to the air pod but it doesn't work on the iPhone - you actually have to switch manually.

Google works well with all brands. I prefer that better. I really don't think one brand can do it all. Yes there is fragmentation but it's not a perfect solution. I mean you cannot expect perfection in technology.
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Oct 2, 2016
I agree with you guys. I also have a Apple watch but I'm getting a cheap Samsung s2 watch with data . I can afford the iPhone x but I'm really liking the note 8. I wish there's a way to use the Apple watch with my note but definitely not. That's the thing, I don't hate Apple but you can't incorporate their stuff if you don't want an iPhone. I do have the MacBook but I'm considering the Surface.

The Apple air pod works well with the note 8 actually better because incoming calls goes directly to the air pod but it doesn't work on the iPhone - you actually have to switch manually.

Google works well with all brands. I prefer that better. I really don't think one brand can do it all. Yes there is fragmentation but it's not a perfect solution. I mean you cannot expect perfection in technology.
I also wish Apple Watch would work with the Note 8, I really want a smartwatch but can't find anything as good looking that can fit my arm perfectly as the Apple Watch. I heard about some "hacks" that would make the watch work but it's a mess and barely works when needed. :(
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 26, 2011
I agree with 95 percent of this video below. I think on performance the note 8 can be laggy at times while iPhones and pixels never really gets any lag. I love this note 8 though. I might have lag because I use a launcher and not touch wiz with lots of widgets anda stickers lol. I think the upcoming note will get more speedier and more stable which I look forward to.

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