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macrumors member
Original poster
May 24, 2020
Problem: I want to be able to sync my personal music library / CD rips on Apple Music and sync it to my iPhone and possibly iPad if possible via my MacBook Pro (2021).

I attempted to do this over the weekend and part of the instructions were to turn off iCloud music on my phone. Needless to say, it deleted ALL of my Apple Music content that wasn't purchased. I'm OK with re-downloading all of my content, but how does this affect my library going forward? Do I not turn on iCloud with Apple Music at all going forward?

I attempted this years ago and I'm often pissed at how complicated it has become. But as it is, I'm an audiophile and want access to all of my music that isn't available on conventional streaming services.


macrumors member
Original poster
May 24, 2020
So this is where I'm getting confused: Do I turn Cloud off in Apple Music on my phone and LEAVE IT OFF? I feel like I'm essentially starting over.


macrumors member
Original poster
May 24, 2020
"Are you sure you want to remove all existing music, movies, TV shows and Books from this iPhone to sync with this library?"

Yea I'm having an existential crisis with this. Any help provided would be appreciated because from what I'm gathering, I have to wipe my music library and start from scratch...?


macrumors regular
Jun 11, 2010
Yes, but you would have to sync your music first.
actually with iTunes Match you first put all your music into Music, and then you sync it.

It will match any songs already in the catalog, and upload the rest that you have from other sources... I have it :)
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