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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 7, 2018

My partner has just send me a text saying that we have been gifted two HomePods.

If these are both enabled to announce messages etc. from my phone and my partner's phone, what happens if we are both home and both receive messages etc?

Similarly, what happens if one person and their phone are not home? Surely their messages would not still continue to be announced at home?

Thanks, from a tech-newbie.


macrumors 68000
Sep 18, 2012
The HomePod doesn't announce messages (iMessage/SMS) or have any sort of notification. The same goes for incoming phone calls as well. However, you can ask the HomePod to read messages to you (i.e. "Read my last message", "Read my last message from Mom", "Read my unread messages", etc). It'll use voice recognition to know whose phone to read and/or send from.

You may be confusing "announce" with the intercom feature. That's where you say something like "Announce dinner is ready" or "Intercom dinner is ready" into your phone or one HomePod, and it'll play your voice message on the HomePods.
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