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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 30, 2012
I'm currently using an unbranded 8+ on Verizon. I live just south of downtown Dallas.

Here are my recent carrier experiences:

1) T-mobile = used them for a year about 3 years ago. Worst cellular reception of the big 3 at my house. Hated that their signal didn't penetrate buildings well. I felt like T-mobile was great if you always used your phone outside or in a car. If you're in a mall, hotel, restaurant, store, forget about it!

2) AT&T = I've had them since they were Cingular. Overall it works great around Dallas. My main gripes were we don't get service at my in-laws' who live just 5 minutes away from me, and another area we visit often often gets slow LTE (maybe due to congestion).

3) Verizon (using currently - had for about 3 months) = I left AT&T for Verizon since I have never tried it before. I thought it might end up being the "perfect carrier" for me. I'm finding more issues with it though. It gets worse service at my parents' house. Service is usable, but not great, at my in-laws'. Signal doesn't seem to penetrate buildings as well as AT&T (often gotten 1x or 3g at my parents'). I went to a new dentist the other day, and I had no service while there (my wife's ip X showed the same results). I just returned to my school campuses, and LTE struggles sometimes as well between 1x, 3g, LTE. AT&T always had a good, reliable LTE signal however.

So, I'm thinking of returning to AT&T or giving T-mo another shot. It sounds like T-mo's signal is better at penetrating buildings since I've tried it last.

If I go back to AT&T, I wonder if a newer phone would help with that dead spot at my in-laws'. I keep mentioning that because my wife is there at least 4-5 days a week. My daughter stays there about 2-3 times a week as well during the day.

I'm thinking of getting the iphone 12, but if I do, suggestions for the best network for me? Thanks in advance!


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 30, 2012
If your in-laws have Wi-Fi, maybe give that a go for call and data connection.

Then choose the carrier that fits your other needs.

Yes, I didn't suggest that to my wife since I experimented with enabling wifi calling, and it drained my battery like you wouldn't believe. Some people have said it doesn't affect their battery, but it sure killed mine!

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