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iRaynor SK

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 15, 2014
Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic

I`m finding professional photo and video-taking app for iPad Air 2. I want to control features like ISO, exposure, temperature etc. I want too to change things like resolution, format, aspect ratio etc. It should support geotagging and taking videos/photos in uncompressed format.



Jessica Lares

macrumors G3
Oct 31, 2009
Near Dallas, Texas, USA
Have a read through

I'm not sure of any video apps that will do lossless. You can get to 2 to 5GB of video fairly easy with it just being compressed at this point. Uncompressed video would fill up a 128GB iPad within a hour most likely.

There are some camera apps that will do it though. I don't remember which at the moment. It's something I want to try again though.


macrumors newbie
Feb 8, 2015
Photo Editor

Hi Guys, is there any Photo Editor app for iPad that you can recommend aside from Pixarts, Fotolr and the likes? Thanks!

iRaynor SK

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 15, 2014
Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic
I use Photogene, it supports "Open with..." so it is no need to copy photos to Camera Roll (in iOS is a bug - copying photos from any app to Camera Roll will remove metadata, like GPS data and other).

In past, I had Photo Editor by Aviary, but it doesn't supports "Open with...".
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