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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 29, 2019
Dear All,

An always attached TB3 disk ( ThunderBold 3 ) contains an image folder with all my images; from LR,, Screenshots and so on.
When I enable iCloud for Photos (check box) to sync my Photos, I don't see an error message or anything and it stays off.

Therefore, I think iCloud cannot find the photo library ( to sync it with iCloud and there is no option to select the Library.
iCloud only seems to search for a Library folder in the '~ / Pictures' folder.

How can I set a soft or hard link to ...../Users/~/ Pictures to make it work?
Or can I mount a folder of the TB3 disk under a User/~/ location?

Any suggestions?


macrumors regular
Nov 11, 2010
Dear All,

An always attached TB3 disk ( ThunderBold 3 ) contains an image folder with all my images; from LR,, Screenshots and so on.
When I enable iCloud for Photos (check box) to sync my Photos, I don't see an error message or anything and it stays off.

Therefore, I think iCloud cannot find the photo library ( to sync it with iCloud and there is no option to select the Library.
iCloud only seems to search for a Library folder in the '~ / Pictures' folder.

How can I set a soft or hard link to ...../Users/~/ Pictures to make it work?
Or can I mount a folder of the TB3 disk under a User/~/ location?

Any suggestions?

I haven't done this for a long time, so this could be quite outdated advice, but it's a suggestion.

Drag your image folder from you external drive into the Photos app.

iCloud doesn't search for anything, you have to direct it first, then it follows (if that makes sense), then it backs up , (searches).

I'm not sure of the correct terminology, but I think it's pointing, you have to point what you want, to what you want it do.

I might be really wrong, but I hope this gives you an idea of what might work, others may be able to contribute more.


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 29, 2019
Both thank you for your reply.

Drag your image folder from you external drive into the Photos app.

That, with opening Alt Photo's and pointing to the Lib where the first things on my list.

The symlink doesn't work either.

However after I guess 2 hours later, leaving the the System Prefreences/iCloud open, a dialog what says " iCloud Photos is only available on macOS Standard, macOS Extended and APFS formatted volumes."

Funny, okay not really, my disk info and say about my SSD 1TB disc "SATA External Physical Volume • Mac OS Extended (Journaled)".

So what could be wrong?
Before I start copying it to a spare drive and format the drive to APFS, maybe there is a better way.

Extra question : Is there a Way to mount/Link the picture folder with the Picture folder on my SSD?


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 29, 2019
Oke, I don't get it. To copy the error dialog text again, I did try it again. But now it did work.
So with some testing, if Photo's app is open, then it doesn't accept the library, if Photo' is closed then it accept the library.

Anyway the last question is stil standing.

Is there a Way to mount/Link the picture folder with the Picture folder on my SSD?
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