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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 13, 2004
Hi all!

I am having trouble getting our website to display properly on macs. The stylesheet doesn't seem to be called properly, and some flash animations won't display either.

I then made a mac friendly version, which basically meant removing the flash portion at the top of the page.

This leads me to believe that there must be some kind of tag that a mac OS needs to view the page properly. Is this the case? Did the HTML that I added to the top of the page to embed the flash muck up the coding, maybe?

The page that wont display properly is

The mac friendly version is

Any help is much appreciated,



macrumors regular
Oct 17, 2003
Isn't the doctype declaration supposed to come before EVERYTHING in the document? Like, even the first HTML tag?

and it looks like you have a couple sets of opening/closing html tags... is that legit?

also, make sure you validate, bro.

and just as a side note, resizing and positioning the browser window is annoying as crap. luckily it's possible to disable that in mozilla firebird/fox...

[mod. edit - Fixed URL]

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
You've also got tags misordered. For example at the very top you've got this (I've simplified somewhat):



You need to remember that the last tag opened should be the first tag closed.

Additionally I see table tags that aren't closed at all, which (besides being invalid code) can cause a lot of issues when you're trying to put tables within tables.
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