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Spaceboi Scaphandre

macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 8, 2022

Y'all need to play Pizza Tower. This indie platform is the next big thing mark my words

I've been following the development of Pizza Tower since the SAGE 2019 demo and now that the game's out it exceeded expectations.

What is Pizza Tower? It is essentially, a "Wario-like." You know how we got subgenres born from different games like Roguelikes from Rogue, and Soulsbornes from Dark Souls, well what if instead of based off of a genre, we base the game off of a character, Nintendo's experimental platformer and heavy weight funny bully character: Wario. Starring Peppino Spaghetti, a chef with a struggling pizza place is informed by an evil talking pizza that his tower is building a death ray and is gonna blow up his pizza shop. So you must climb the Pizza Tower and destroy it from within to save your business, and it's absolutely hilarious. Aside from Wario, the game takes heavy inspirations from classic 90s cartoons like Ren & Stimpy. Just look at any screenshot of Peppino without context and it'll instantly make you laugh



Poor Peppino is the opposite of Wario. Where Wario is massively greedy and just a big bully, Peppino is constantly stressed and paranoid as he's financially struggling, a former war veteran, and now he's got a talking pizza threatening to blow up his place of business. And throughout the entire thing he's just so animated it's hilarious.

Gameplay wise, this game is Wario Land 4 with ADHD. You move so fast that the endgame becomes trying to beat the levels as fast as you can getting the highest score possible.

Now would probably be a good time to mention the amazing music

So what are you waiting for? Go play it

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