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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 10, 2001
Hi everyone. As you well know, in Mac OS 9, there are Input Sprockets that detect the devices (such as mice and gamepad) that you have connected to your mac. This is mostly useful when playing games since it lets you configure the controls. However, I was wondering if something similar exists in Mac OS X? If not, could this be added in Mac OS X 10.2 ? Thank you for your help and time.

elfin buddy

macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2001
Tuttlingen, Germany
as far as i know, Mac OS X does not support game controllers yet (besides the keyboard and mouse). i have a Gravis Xterminator joystick and i couldnt get it working under Mac OS X so i asked Gravis what was up. heres what i asked and what they sent back. make of it what u will.

me: How do I get my gravis Xterminator Dual Control joystick to work under Mac OS X? Do I need some special driver, is there something I am doing wrong, or is it just not possible?

them: Unfortunately, the tools necessary to provide support under Mac OS X are not yet available. When the HID Manager (the OS X replacement for InputSprockets) is available and game manufacturers begin utilizing it, our products should work as standard HID devices.

Unfortunately, the tools necessary to provide direct game support under Mac OS X are still under evaluation by many of the game manufacturers. When the HID Manager Kensington Tech Support is available and game manufacturers begin utilizing it, our products should work as standard HID devices within those games. At this time, we do not have plans to write any special software to provide support outside of HID Manager.

For those games that do not support HID Manager, the Carvware software at the link below appears to be a reasonable solution:

i hope that helped!
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