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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 9, 2008
I have a macbook I got it like 3 months ago.

I'm having a issue with the wireless connection :(

the computer loose connection with the router every 15 mins or so.

to repair it I had to go an turn the airport off close safari. turn the airport on and reopen safari

is really annoying :mad:

I have try using Firefox and is the same.

I was thinking that was my router ( d-link DIR-655 N router) but I have the same issue when I'm connected to the school network or any other network.

what can I do???

thanks :)


macrumors newbie
Feb 16, 2008
Hi, yea my brand new macbook has the same issues, a little more frequent though i must say, literally every new page i load! can i ask whether you are able to send files to the macbook over bluetooth from a mobile phone, i have tried several phones and non work... maybe the problem is linked??

Its definitely not my router or network because i have other laptops that don't suffer from this problem, i think it is a leopard issue because it doesnt seem to be as bad on Windows ( bootcamp )

Anyway... check the bluetooth :) :)


macrumors member
Jan 2, 2008
Several threads on this on Apple forums. Might try iStumbler or similar, set it to ping your router every 15 seconds or so; may or may not work for you, that's just one of many solutions offered in those MacBook--Internet Networking threads.
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