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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 24, 2002
EDIT 2/5/22 1:13AM CST
A fine chap at ArsTechnica presented the solution:
Go to, then General, then Keyboards, and turn off Shortcuts.

Original post:

I’m on iPad OS 15 and using the Apple keyboard folio. I have done something awful that now, every time I get to a text entry the small keyboard icon pops up, often covering the send button in messages, for instance. See the photo to see what I’m talking about. The icon will take you to keyboard preferences, but I don’t see a pref to disappear the icon.

Please help! I will gladly buy a beer for anyone who helps me make this annoyance disappear (anytime you make it to New Orleans, beer on me). PLEASE :)

Thanks in advance for the genius who is able to respond and keep me from throwing my keyboard folio across the room in a fit of unnecessary rage while I try to trick the iPad into letting me actually click on the “send” button in messages.
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macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
No solution other than moving it to the other end of the bottom. It is what it is. There’s not even a setting to turn it off, or to keep it in prediction mode.
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