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macrumors 68020
Jun 15, 2012
Is there any chance that it could be some hardware installed? I never really opened it, so I cant know if there is anything.
* you really think that someone might go to the trouble of installing hardware spying devices INSIDE your Mac;
* you have concerns that they may have had access to sensitive commercial data:
then you need to:
* go to an IT or Security professional to get your Mac checked out
* tell the people you work for.

I'm surprised the police didn't take it more seriously: they should at the very least have taken details of the phone call and what you suspect.
However, unless you do work in some environment where corporate or state espionage is likely: I'm guessing that what you suspect would be unlikely. But even so: it needs checking out.

It is very possible that this person may just be messing with you: they may have seen your computer screen whilst you weren't looking, or you may have spoken about the trip and forgotten.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 28, 2012
So here I am, started to download Mountain Lion ( in order to do a clean install) and I saw in Launchpad another app waiting to be downloaded, BUT I did not purchase anything else. Here I took screen shot, check it out how it looks and please tell me what it could be?


  • Screen Shot 2013-01-02 at 11.43.11 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2013-01-02 at 11.43.11 AM.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 728
Nov 28, 2010
So here I am, started to download Mountain Lion ( in order to do a clean install) and I saw in Launchpad another app waiting to be downloaded, BUT I did not purchase anything else. Here I took screen shot, check it out how it looks and please tell me what it could be?

Looks like a game, however, you can hover over the icon and a tool tip should appear. Or look in the Mac App Store for any currently downloading (or awaiting download) apps.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 28, 2012
Hi everybody,

Guys, so yesterday I happen to open my activity monitor, and found the process IMremote url agent, I tried to Google it, but no luck at all. What that remote url connection agent can be? I did not install any remote applictations.

please share your knowledge if possilbe



macrumors Westmere
May 16, 2008
Guys, so yesterday I happen to open my activity monitor, and found the process IMremote url agent, I tried to Google it, but no luck at all. What that remote url connection agent can be?
It's IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent and it's related to the iMessage app. Nothing to worry about.


macrumors newbie
Feb 21, 2016
Yup I'd do the same. That way you don't have to worry if you got it all gone.

Actually the best way to be SURE would be to buy a whole laptop. Getting a new hard drive ... Ur problem is still sitting there on on ur computer eagerly awaiting to roam free again on the new one.
As for deleting n re installing the OS all over ....all ur doing is just that...starting it over.
U can't take off spyware unless u know the code. OR unless u buy a new laptop/pc, and even if u do that... That spyware has more than likely already infested into your iCloud, email, contacts photos, it creates a hidden code u can't get rid of unless YOUUUU start over -forget the OS. You can't even technically wipe ur HD permanently U need to do that process about 6 times.all that spyware is doing is hiding secretly UNDETECTED no icon no ID no nothing. Once they are in theyve already created back up files to themselves. (Well it's done automatically thru the virus -code) Usung iCloud or iMessage is one of the main ways IN for hacking!!!! And if you back up your phone to an Extertal hard drive for instance, you're bringing that hacker with you, so now all that information that was on that Extertal hard drive, they have access to that. It's disgusting and scary stuff.

Check out flexispy... After seeing what people can do you will never want to have a smart phone TV coffee maker, kitchen appliance or cable box....nothing, ever again in your life. Unlike flexispy, there are scarier programs that you don't even need to have the person's phone in your hand to put it on. All you need to do is send them a text message and once they open it-boom use been hacked. If you ever get random text messages speaking Spanish like hola save 10% blah bla whatever discount code on your next order .. Someone's trying to hack you more than likely & the min u open that text message---you're screwed ... Your phone doesn't even have to be jailbroken. They can even do it to a prepaid phone as long as they have a phone number!
There's some crazy stuff out there everyone is watching everyone. Down to your TV box to appliances... ex bfs... the popo
Everyone can do it to everyone. Do yourself a favor and buy a new laptop don't ever buy anything used some creep might have already installed something on there and no matter how many times you reset it refrag it, it will always be there . Flexispy, for instance, if you have a Sim card and you think you're solving the problem by going to get a new Sim card it will notify Mr. hacker that you just updated your phone with a new Sim card here it is... then once they call you text you etc. the process starts all over again. If you're on the phone and the person thats hacking you calls and you deny the call they're automatically conference in to your call and everything go thing it's backed up to their computer alllllll your conversations throughout the entire day all your text messages all of your notes calendar events everything.... All they have to do at any point is login and see anything they want to see that you did that day. They can even listen to what's going on in the room you're in from the mic... They can access your camera and use it to watch u...!!!!!! It is absolutely disgusting. Nothing is safe.... Good luck, wish me luck too. I've been tapped for years it can literslly drive a person insane. I've done my research back-and-forth 45 times.
It's IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent and it's related to the iMessage app. Nothing to worry about.

Turn off ur remote access ...
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macrumors Westmere
May 16, 2008
Actually the best way to be SURE would be to buy a whole laptop.
Turn off ur remote access ...
This post is complete nonsense, by a first-time poster. It doesn't matter how many times you've researched something, if you don't understand what the facts are.
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