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Matt T

macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 1, 2005
Can somebody please explain to me the logic behind the 'Listen Now' tab's sorting methods?

Podcasts fall into 1 of 2 categories for me:
  1. Shows I listen to frequently - new episodes are typically published every week, and I will begin listening to a new episode as soon as it is published (within 24 hours at the latest).
  2. Shows I listen to infrequently, usually when I have nothing else to listen to, and sometimes I skip episodes altogether because they don't particularly interest me.
Without fail, the Listen Now tab always pushes the shows I listen to infrequently to the top of my list, and I have to scroll or dig through the list to find my favourite shows - the shows I listen to regularly, every week, as soon as I can.

For example:
  • The top 3 episodes in my Listen Now list are of shows I listen to infrequently. The third episode was published in December 2018.
  • Today's episode of ATP - a show I listen to every week, and the very show I am still half way through listening to - is number four in this list.
  • Episode 5 and 6 are also from shows I listen to infrequently. Episode 7 is another episode of a show I regularly listen to which was released today.
Is the app really just this bad or am I missing something?

Edit: damn title typo...
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