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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 22, 2014
So, I thought I was being smart, but I made a stupid mistake...

I backed up my entire iTunes library, and then I deleted the files from my laptop, since I can just stream them if I want to play them. Awesome, right? I saved 120GB of space on my computer!

However, I forgot that I have an iPod Classic that I want to sync, and (as far as I can tell), that only works if the files are physically on the disk. I figured no problem, I'll just copy the files back in and all should be good. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. iTunes still thinks the files need to be downloaded. I can't figure out any way to get it to re-scan the folder and realize that the files are already here. I tried "add files" but that actually makes a second copy. I REALLY don't want to have to download 100+GB of music over my internet connection when I already have multiple copies of those files sitting right here...

What is the trick to getting iTunes to recognize the files that are in the media folder?

Dave Braine

macrumors 68040
Mar 19, 2008
Warrington, UK
Re copy your iTunes Library file back to your Mac. Open iTunes while holding down the Option/Alt key. iTunes will then ask you to choose a Library. Choose the one on your Mac, and you should then be able to sync your iPod.
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