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macrumors member
May 27, 2003
The Big Scrapple
Originally posted by theipodgod16
I HATE bush more than anyone in the world, and am looking forward to seeing GENERAL Wesley Clark tear him to pieces in the debates.
Word up on the Bush hating. He is the worst president in my lifetime including Nixon. Wesley Clark performs very poorly in the debates so far though. I think exactly the opposite. He's going to get chewed up by Bush if he makes it. Not that Bush is good at it, but Clark has nothing to say. He has no plans for any of the issues including Iraq which he has been most vocal about. He doesn't want to pull the troops out so even that is too similar to Bush. I really don't get what people like about this guy. He has no real, tangible plans and no political experience. What we need is someone who represents a clear contrast to the corporate fueled, right-wing agenda of war-profiteering and environmental holocaust and continual fear. I support Dennis Kucinich because he is a real Democrat.. like Roosevelt, Truman and Kennedy. He won the 2003 International Ghandi Peace Prize. He has REAL plans. Check his web site!


macrumors 6502a
Oct 24, 2002
Greenville SC
Do you really want to live on a Democracy?

Originally posted by miloblithe
I heard today that because of very effective redistricting plans (by both parties, although currently Republicans as they are in power) has left the House with only about 30 truly contestable seats. The rest are districted in ways that the outcome, Democrat or Republican, is a foregone conclusion. It's incredibly sad really. Our democracy needs a lot of work.

I wrote a /. journal entry last week, entitled: Do you really want to live in a Democracy... a good read for the poll question here.

As for the poll choices. The choices really aren't that fair. Most of the answers are just splinters of liberal minded political parties. For instance, the Green Party is just Democrats who care more about the environment than the economy. (That's almost verbatim from Nader) Also, out of those that don't vote or don't live in the US, the majority tend to be liberal (or socialist/communist).


macrumors 6502a
Nov 3, 2003
CD: TX-14
Also voted Green but I will be voting Democrat. Most important issue to me is the environment. I'm a tree hugging hippie and proud of it. A lot of stuff Bush has bee pulling on deregulating facories and the endangered species list is making me sick. Save the endangered *insert random/weird endangered animal here*!!!


macrumors member
May 27, 2003
The Big Scrapple
Re: 2 things the US needs to solve

Originally posted by nagromme
1. End the 2-party dominance and give a spectrum of truly DIFFERENT policies/viewpoints a fair chance to change things.

2. End the ownership of nearly all media (which could be true "watchdogs") by a handful of big corporations.

(PS, for the 2004 election, I support: ... or anyone but Bush.)[/B]
3. True "Campaign Finance Reform" based on pure Federally funded campaign money. Elections should be about who has the best ideas, not who has the richest friends. I think that is the fundamental stumbling block to our having a true democracy.

PS Did you see Kucinich smack down Ted Koppel for focusing the debate on endorsements, polls and campaign money? The crowd went wild with applause and today ABC pulled their embedded journalists from the campaigns of Al Sharpton, Carol Moseley Braun and Dennis Kucinich. The media is trying very hard to engineer this election by sidelining these candidate as also-rans.

It's really shameful to dismiss a candidate 11 months before the election because of their bank balance rather than anything that they have said or done. If Bush is reelected, I'm moving to the Himalayas where I will live as a goat.


macrumors newbie
Aug 6, 2003
Not really free...

Originally posted by Sailfish
I vote for none of the above...
My life is free of religion and politics
That is a religious and political statement...


macrumors newbie
Aug 6, 2003
Party pooper...

Not to be a party pooper (pun intended), but this forum is a MacRumors spin off, and the subject of (American) politics is rather irrelevant here.
Unless, of course, someone can give us a news scoop, e.g. that Microsoft will be broken up in competitive units by one of the candidate presidents, or that on a major federal government level Linux, Lindows, Sun's Javasystems will be purchased (hurray for British, Brasilian, German, Chinese governements for making that switch already).


macrumors member
Apr 2, 2003
Long Beach California
Legalize weed

Wesley Clark in 2004. Yes hes the most fit man to run this country, the opposite of mr. bush. A man I actually believe in. This will be my first presidential election, if Polpot-I mena G.W. Bush is reelected I'm moving to british columbia. But he won't win. He'll lose just like he did last time.

Why not ask everyone's religion and sexual preference in the next poll?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 14, 2003
You ain't seen nothing yet.

Originally posted by Centris 650
When I was in college I was a Democrat. Then I graduated and started paying taxes. :D

With the Republicans controlling the White House, both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court, their reckless spending is plunging our country into Reagan/Bush Sr. depths of debt.

Dubya's little tax cut ploy is popular among stupid voters because someone is going to have to pay for his adventures overseas and his $400 billion gift to drug and insurance companies called Medicare reform. Enjoy your lower tax bill right now, Centris 650, and think of it as rolling up the tab for your children or even yourself at a later date. Whether we pay for Bush's vote-buying, imperialism and massive transfers of public funds to his wealthy corporate cronies with higher taxes, reduced services, currency devaluation or government default, the bill is going to have to be painfully reckoned.

It's funny how the "tax and spend" Democrats brought this country full employment, low inflation, low interest rates, a booming stock market (aka optimism), relative peace AND a federal budget SURPLUS while the Republicans, who are thought to be more fiscally responsible and to favor reduced government have caused massive unemployment, plunging markets, two ongoing wars and two more in the offing (Iran and North Korea), a pathetically weak dollar and an atmosphere of fear and pessimism while creating an enormous federal DEBT. Maybe the stereotypes ought to be turned around!

Howard Dean for President!


macrumors regular
Oct 14, 2002
Northern Virginia
Re: You ain't seen nothing yet.

Originally posted by macFanDave
Dubya's little tax cut ploy is popular among stupid voters...
Originally posted by arn

Keep the discussion on this civil.

No Party/People bashing.

Calling fans of Bush's tax cut stupid is "Party/People bashing" in my book.

Let's keep away from the "you're an idiot for liking policy X" rhetoric. This kind of hatred you see in politics nowadays--on both sides--is a lot worse than any single party's policies.

Has anybody ever considered that Democracy is better served by civil debate between groups than by partisan wrangling? Imagine if, instead of "this plan is stupid," people actually had honest debates. Imagine if the politicians were actually open-minded enough to change their minds if and when they realize that their opponent has a good point.

There's something to be said about all the major parties. They all have their strong points, and their weak points. The real shame in the American political world now is that so few people seem to understand that, and prefer instead to think "I'm right and everybody else is WRONG and EVIL."

Sad. I picked one of the parties (won't tell you which), but I'm honestly pretty unhappy with all of them.

ITR 81

macrumors 65816
Oct 24, 2003
Well if I don't like anyone running I don't vote. But if I like someone I'll vote for them simple as that. I have no party because as far as I know it doesn't exist.

I'm mostly neutral party but lean on the side of the Authoritian left.


macrumors newbie
Dec 8, 2003
Hate to break it to you, but partisanship dates back to the founding of the USA... I don't really understand where the idea that there was a golden age of politics comes from. Perhaps the difference between then and now is that the language used in the past to argue was more elegant, but also consider that duels with pistols were known to occur (e.g. Hamilton). And yes there were sex scandals even in early post-colonial USA.

What bothers me about today's political climate is the free pass that politicians get from a press that (1) fails to call out politicians when they obviously lie to promote their issues and (2) fails to provide accurate information so that people (voters) can make informed decisions during elections. The kid glove treatment that Bush gets from the press is unbelievable when compared to his predecessors (including his father) and the doublestandard they employed during the Bush/Gore election was unbelievable (where Bush 'exaggeratons' were not called out but Gore's 'exaggerations' were called out).


macrumors 6502a
Oct 24, 2002
Greenville SC
good quote

Originally posted by Centris 650
When I was in college I was a Democrat. Then I graduated and started paying taxes. :D

Good quote from a fellow statesmen ;)

And my God, this man been brainwashed:

"With the Republicans controlling the White House, both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court, their reckless spending is plunging our country into Reagan/Bush Sr. depths of debt.

Dubya's little tax cut ploy is popular among stupid voters because someone is going to have to pay for his adventures overseas and his $400 billion gift to drug and insurance companies called Medicare reform. Enjoy your lower tax bill right now, Centris 650, and think of it as rolling up the tab for your children or even yourself at a later date. Whether we pay for Bush's vote-buying, imperialism and massive transfers of public funds to his wealthy corporate cronies with higher taxes, reduced services, currency devaluation or government default, the bill is going to have to be painfully reckoned.

It's funny how the "tax and spend" Democrats brought this country full employment, low inflation, low interest rates, a booming stock market (aka optimism), relative peace AND a federal budget SURPLUS while the Republicans, who are thought to be more fiscally responsible and to favor reduced government have caused massive unemployment, plunging markets, two ongoing wars and two more in the offing (Iran and North Korea), a pathetically weak dollar and an atmosphere of fear and pessimism while creating an enormous federal DEBT. Maybe the stereotypes ought to be turned around!"

First off, you're right, Reagan did come dangerously close to bankrupting us. But, that had the effect of outgunning, outspending the iron curtain, and removing a threat far greater than terrorism, people who want land and your freedom - the communists. Russia cared not for our religion, like the terrorists did. Most families did quite well in the 80's and it was A FAR greater REAL expansion than in the 90's. Carter had ruined the economy. It takes a democrat to make us feel good - the drugs, but it takes a republican to actually make us better - the doctor.

The same thing happened under Clinton. (You also give him an unfair economic boom - th internet) NO PRESIDENT, not even railroad, land rush, world war presidents have had such an economic blessing as the internet. During the Clinton presidency millionaires increased by 1400% (yes 1400%) - but that was IN NO correlation to his politics. He was blessed with the people that were stealing capital and blowing hot air into a stock market bubble. Can anyone say:,, Amazon?

The entire economy of the 90's was just like the Clinton presidency. It appeared to be good, everything seemed ok. Underneath, falling apart, detoriorating due to lack of ethical behaviour. He was a fitting President.

I don't know what democrats are posting here, but focus on reality. Business and the economy is booming. It's doing the best it's done in 20 years! Yes 20 years, was twenty years ago during a Clinton or democrat Presidency?

I don't think GW is the best man for the job, but he's the best that's running AND the best that has a chance.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2002
I used to be a dyed in the wool democrat; then I started thinking with an open mind and determined that all republicans did not necessarily need to be evil; then I turned my open mind on the democrats, who began to look like whiners; now I decided that the very nature of politics and political parties is to polarize and alienate voters, so I can't stand either party or their politicians.


macrumors 68000
Jan 2, 2002
I'm pretty conservative; in 2000, I voted for Keyes in the primary and Bush in the election. So I guess that makes me a Republican. (Made for interesting water cooler talk as I was working in Portland, OR at the time and was one of 2 conservatives at the company! Luckily, the other one was one of the co-founders! )

Actually, I'd probably be a Libertarian except for their stance on drug legalization and abortion.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2002
I'd like to compare the results of this poll with the results of the same poll on a Windows oriented forum.

Are Apple users a more liberal bunch?


macrumors regular
Dec 10, 2002
LA la land...
Originally posted by Awimoway
Grew up among Republicans and thought I was one too. It was only in the last couple of years that I gave trying to make sense of Republican/conservative arguments and admitted to myself and the world that I'm a liberal. I'll be voting Democrat next year. I still love all my Republican family and friends even if they eye me suspiciously now. :D

Ah! A switcher! Welcome...


macrumors 6502
Oct 25, 2001
I'm not an American but the Democrats always had my 'vote'
But since I read Michael Moore's 'Stupid White Men' I guess it doesn't make that much of a difference, Democrats or Republican.


macrumors regular
Jan 16, 2003
Greenvale, NY
Conservative Republican.....

But.... if I were ever to vote for someone other then Bush, I'd vote for Lieberman.
I think the poor guy got the bums rush from Gore. And Dean scares me. He reminds me of the character running for President from the movie "The dead zone". Personally. I'd rather see all our politicians more "main stream". The US, in my opinion, has become too polarized in it's political thinking. I'll get off my soap box now.... and by the way... working as an artist, I know I'm in the minority. I see most artists as being more diversified in political thinking. I often fight with myself on many issues. I'm my own Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde when it come to politics.


macrumors 68000
Jun 21, 2002
New Zealand
I'm a Moderate Republican and I'm not necessarily happy with everything Bush has done. However, he has been productive. I think heÕs a great president and I think heÕs done a good job meeting both parties in the middleÉ DoesnÕt mean I think itÕs a good thing.

Do I like the Medicare bill? hmmm.. Not really.

Do I like what where doing in Iraq? hmmm not really, but I think we need to tackle Iraq and the terrorist problem and we can go very deep on this one... Which I rather not until I have some coffee. ;)

My biggest issue with the Government right now is spending... Stop the spending.

I prefer locally controlled governments and not federally controlled. Smaller government and more privatization...


macrumors 6502a
Apr 14, 2003
Re: good quote

Carter had ruined the economy.
He simply failed to overcome what Nixon and Ford had handed him.

NO PRESIDENT, not even railroad, land rush, world war presidents have had such an economic blessing as the internet.

How dare you say he had nothing to do with it? Although many people say that Al Gore claimed to have invented the Internet, he has been misquoted. However, he DID lead the way in opening up the Internet to commerce. Clinton campaigned on the "Information Superhighway" in '92 and pursued policies to popularize the Internet.

It appeared to be good, everything seemed ok. Underneath, falling apart, detoriorating due to lack of ethical behaviour.

Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction, about the Iraq-Al Qaeda links, about the uranium purchase from Niger, about the high-strength aluminum tubes and about seriously looking for the White House source who revealed the identity of a CIA operative (who happened to be the wife of the man who exposed the Niger uranium lie). This administration is far more unethical, and worse, their lies and deceptions are FAR more destructive to the American people. Almost every day, the ratio of American deaths caused by Bush's Iraq lies to the deaths caused by "I did not have sexual relations with that woman -- Ms. Lewinsky" works out to infinity.

(And before you call me some kind of namby-pamby pacifist afraid of confrontation, I've believed for many years that there existed many good, solid, true reasons to remove Saddam Hussein from power. I'm ashamed that our President had to concoct a pack of lies to achieve an otherwise desirable outcome.)

And, by the way, it seems like the Bushies also lied about the aftermath of their conquest of Iraq.

I don't know what democrats are posting here, but focus on reality. Business and the economy is booming. It's doing the best it's done in 20 years!

Nice spin. These statistics are compared to the previous years performance. After falling into a stupor under Bush's mishandling of the economy, any business activity is going to seem like a boom.

I don't think GW is the best man for the job,
My prediction is coming true: George W. Bush is really achieving the position as the worst president in American history. The fault is really not W's himself since I do not believe he is really calling the shots -- he's too stupid. It's really Cheney running the show with Rumsfeld and Ashcroft acting as his lieutenants. Or maybe they are a triumvirate.

I'd like see one of you right-wing Republican humps give me a single example of where Bush made a decision that went against Cheney's desires.
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