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The Loaf

macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 17, 2007
Hi there, and thank you for any advice. First, I'm not super technical, so appreciate the simple, patient advice here.

Basically, I recently moved from an older MBP running Snow Leopard where I had several POP email accounts with several thousand sent and received emails that I was keeping as records of transactions, old conversations, etc. I have changed absolutely NO settings in the mail program on this machine. About 3 weeks ago I moved on to using a new Mac mini running Yosemite and set up my email accounts on that machine as IMAP accounts. I figured I could just start fresh, and look up the old emails on the old MBP if I needed to. When I migrated from my previous Mac, some 8 years ago, I did the same thing, and all my even older emails stayed on that old machine.

However, I recently fired up the MBP and see that all my emails--sent, received, whatever--have now disappeared. I had no cloud accounts/connections on that machine, but apparently setting up the new Mini somehow changed things?? I have no idea, and wonder if there is ANY WAY to retrieve the old messages?? I thought they were stored on my computer somewhere, as on my old Mac, and as long as I didn't delete any accounts, etc. they would still be there. Apparently not, but is there any solution? I have a time machine backup I made of my MBP done right before setting up the new Mac mini.

Any help you could provide would be truly, truly appreciated. Thank you.
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