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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 2, 2013
I thought I got an email from a friend with a web link but when i checked she said she hadn't sent it.
In the email when I had clicked on the link, it opened to a blank page. I'm worried that this process has downloaded some malware onto my iPhone.
Is there anything I can do to check and is there something I can install on my iPhone 5s to protect it?
I'm especially worried about keystroke copying.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 28, 2015
Unless your phone is jailbroken, it's extremely unlikely any malware could have been installed.

Most likely, the link tried to download a Windows .exe file. That would result in a blank page in Safari.
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macrumors 6502
Jun 11, 2015
United States
If youre on iOS, you did not download anything. IF you downloaded a config file for anything like that, then it would have opened settings and asked for a passcode to install. If that did not happen then you are absolutely safe.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 2, 2013
Unless your phone is jailbroken, it's extremely unlikely any malware could have been installed.

Most likely, the link tried to download a Windows .exe file. That would result in a blank page in Safari.

Thank you that is a relief to know.
If youre on iOS, you did not download anything. IF you downloaded a config file for anything like that, then it would have opened settings and asked for a passcode to install. If that did not happen then you are absolutely safe.

Thank you for the info, the advice is reassuring.
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