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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 19, 2005
I thought it would be interesting for everyone to post the single (or two) web site they believe is their best work (in design, coding, etc.). That way everyone could see the scope of web design on the board. :)

I don't really have one to post, as I am really limited in my web design knowledge and have only designed (fully) about 5 sites. The past 2 years have found me in a rut and I have no idea where to go from here (or how to accomplish my goals). I am working for two companies on online projects, but nothing involving design. Unfortunately, my skills are limited to HTML, some CSS, and simple graphic work. I am trying to learn Flash and finding it daunting -- I have no idea where to begin. I find I cannot put the designs I have in my head into reality because of my lack of skills. But I am learning!


macrumors 603
Jul 23, 2002
Holly Springs, NC
My greatest piece of work is still in the development process. Its a web based appplication (product) I am working on for my company that will hopefully take off in the very near future. I took a screenshot to show off my limited UI design skills, but eventually should have a demo for people to use at some point.

PS. I removed the product name for business reasons.


  • sa.png
    18.4 KB · Views: 192


macrumors 6502a
Aug 2, 2005
I currently working on "Web Builder" web application. I'm developing it using Coldfusion MX. I've completed its basic core (Account Creation/Manegement, Choosing a design, Controlling the design colours, Managing the site's sections and pages, and other minor functionality) The basic UI is complete too (although I'm planning to completely change it).

Also in the works is a hardware review site called I've finished most of it, written in ASP, the design isn't quite ready though.
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