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katie ta achoo

Blogger emeritus
Original poster
May 2, 2005
OK, quick story about my PowerBook. I just want to get this off my chest. :)

My free Tiger-night PowerBook has been completely AWESOME. I love it. It's $2000 of computing power for free. It hasn't let me down. EVER.
Until last week(ish)...
*insert horror movie music here*
It froze!!
No biggie, I did a force-shut down, and restarted it.
When I tried to restart it, I got to the Grey Apple screen. Grey spinning pinwheel.
Fifteen minutes of not starting.
Of course, I immediately called Apple Care, and **guess what!** They aren't open at 11 at night, hahaha.

*cue freaking out*
I booted from CD. It took an hour to finally get it booted up again. I ran the Hardware test, and it said it was all good.

Then, 4 days later, my PowerBook slows down to molasses. FREAKING MOLASSES! So, I restart, in case some of the widgets accidentally were eating memory, yada yada yada, you know how it goes.
then AYE! It does the grey spinny apple screen again.
*cue freaking out* "Hey, applecare STILL isn't open at 11 at night..."
I tried to start it from the Hardware test, like I did last time, and I couldn't!

So I got the fun task of doing an archive and install of 10.3 (Tiger was a drop-in CPU thingy disk).
I get everything to an external HD (just in time, methinks!) overnight (30 gigs takes FOREVER, even over FW!)
And I head to the Apple store today to:
#1 Bug the genius bar about why my PowerBook hates me.
#2 Sweet, sweet garageband presentation from Francis Preve. <-- WAS AWESOME!

I ask Aaron (My most favorite genius in the world), he boots from FW HD and GUESS WHAT!
I actually DO have a failing HD, I wasn't going mad.

Even though my HD is failing, and I'll be without my PowerBook for a few days, I still have love for Apple. I know that bad HDs happen. It's a fact of life.
But I love that I didn't have to hang on the phone with Apple for 3 hours to diagnose it, that I could just walk on into the Apple store and have someone do it in person for me.
Doing that at Best Buy/Circuit City/Compusa would cost $50 and 6 weeks, JUST for a diagnosis.
At Apple store, it was free, took two minutes (ignore the half hour-wait for the genius bar.. I entertained myself on a dual 2.7 with the 30 inch display. DROOL.), and they got it done, and waiting for the new HD (which they get to order on monday. :( ).
I have LOVE for Apple. They rock. Such good service. Much love.

And at the Garageband thing, I got a free book! Powertools for Garageband, by Francis Preve. Got it autographed, too. :) :)

Sorry, I just wanted to post my love for Apple. There are threads all the time " I'm done with Apple! My logic board was busted!" when it's not purposefully bad, it's just an accident of manufacturing.
If there was a bad part, and the company told you that you were SOL, that would be something to yell about, but Apple stands by their products. $367.81 of repairs for FREE.
(warranties ROCK!!)
OK, sorry. I'll stop my Apple-worship now. Hehe.


macrumors 601
Mar 20, 2005
Awwwwww...katie <3 her powerbook.

I bet they put a faulty HD in the free one on purpose...just kidding. :p

Apple doesn't have an HD's? have to order one?

katie ta achoo

Blogger emeritus
Original poster
May 2, 2005
ITASOR said:
Awwwwww...katie <3 her powerbook.

I bet they put a faulty HD in the free one on purpose...just kidding. :p

Apple doesn't have an HD's? have to order one?

hahaha, it's a conspiracy to get me back in the store to get me to spend money!
It almost worked, they had the open box table in the back.
I was THIS (holds fingers about 1/8 inch apart) close to getting an iPod case. :)

Yeah, Apple houston had no HDs in stock. heathens. :mad:

JK! :)


macrumors 68020
Aug 9, 2000
Well, I suppose belated congratulations are in order. Additionally, condolences and moral support. I think that covers everything.

Anywho, I'm glad you're loving your PB! (are you always this lucky?)

katie ta achoo

Blogger emeritus
Original poster
May 2, 2005
michaelrjohnson said:
Well, I suppose belated congratulations are in order. Additionally, condolences and moral support. I think that covers everything.

Anywho, I'm glad you're loving your PB! (are you always this lucky?)

I'm never lucky!
I think it's karma, though. I was helping some dude with his kid, while he talked to his friend and kind of ignored the little boy. He was sooo cute! With a little train engine and overalls.... (the little boy, not the man!! ^_^)

But I did give blood (to get good karma) then BAM HD failure.

Maybe the bad luck is because of that (already dead) possum I hit. :(
Poor possum! :( :( :(
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