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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 13, 2005
Jobs' kitchen cupboard.
I have a 12" powerbook.
I usually use airtunes, but re-did my setup and now connect it via a cable to a stereo.
But the sound output is now atrocious!
I think I may have a faulty headphone jack / sound-out hole in my PB. The headphones / stereo cable only seem to almost-fit. I think this is why the sound output is so poor.
Do any others have this problem? Is my machine faulty?
Any advice very welcome.

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
So sound quality with AirTunes is still fine, but the cable isn't quite fitting into the PowerBook's port and the sound is bad. Can you try another set of speakers, or another cable (one that fits well) with the same speakers? :)
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