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What Web Browser is Your Main/Default?

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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 6, 2015
Central Michigan
NOTE: 2021 overhaul updates and remarks supersede the original WikiPost. Several details have changed.


In 2021, we still have a few browser options for PowerPC. Nearly all, however, are no longer current, particularly where security updates are concerned. The do, however, generally, work well for basic browsing.

Almost any WebKit browser, no matter the age, should still work for basic browsing, just as long as it is re-linked against the Leopard WebKit AppleScript (which requires a drag-and-drop of the WebKit-based browser icon onto an AppleScript provided with the LWK download).

The following is a list of known, up-to-date (or relatively up-to-date) and maintained web browsers, streaming video viewers, e-mail clients, and FTP clients, for PowerPC Macs with at least Leopard and/or Tiger support (unless otherwise noted).


supports 10.4 and 10.5 (G3, G4 7400, G4 7450, and G5 builds available)
remarks: Re-branding of TenFourFox for the post-TFF era and is slightly more lightweight (Mozilla for PowerPC using Firefox 45ESR as a base).
Along with TenFourFox, it is the only up-to-date browser for 10.4 or 10.5. Security updates (“FPRs”) are current as of 2021.

supports 10.4 and 10.5 (G3, G4 7400, G4 7450, and G5 builds available)
remarks: Mozilla for PowerPC using Firefox 45ESR as a base.
Along with InterwebPPC, it is the only up-to-date browser for 10.4 or 10.5. Security updates (“FPRs”) are current as of 2021 (FPR31).

Leopard-WebKit 604.5.6
supports 10.5
remarks: A Safari build using WebKit frameworks last updated in 2018. Pages render as they would with Safari 11.
supplement: Fix for https/TLS/certificates in LeopardWebKit [2021]

Arctic Fox PPC
supports 10.4 through 10.5
remarks: Experimental (follow linked thread to read its limitations). Based on Pale Moon 27.9.4, itself predominantly derived from the Firefox 38 ESR codebase. Released in 2019.

supports 10.4 through 10.5
remarks: Based on TenFourFox FPR13 from 2019.

Links2 (2.23)
supports 10.3.9 through 10.5
remarks: Based on the original lynx browser, Links2 is a text-based browser accessible via Terminal.
It is TLS 1.3-compliant. It does not support Javascript. A MR forum discussion is available.

supports 10.5
remarks: WebKit-based browser. Last updated 2018 (version 8.5).
It must first be “re-linked” with Leopard-WebKit (using the included AppleScript in LWK) to take advantage of Safari 11 security updates.

supports 9.2.2 (not an OS X browser)
remarks: Classilla is a Mozilla-based browser related to the TenFourFox project, but for Mac OS 9. It will not run on OS X.
A final maintenance update, 9.3.4b, was released 2021.

NOTE: These are self-contained, custom web portals, similar to web sites ported as standalone “apps”.
Mini-browsers tend to run lighter and quicker than full browsers, but with purpose-specific functionality, mini-browsers tend to lack full browser features.
Example: TenFourFoxBox

supports 10.4 and 10.5
remarks: A small, TenFourFoxBox search engine with TenFourFoxPEP built-in for high performance browsing on low-end hardware.


supports 10.4 and 10.5 (G3, G4 7400, G4 7450, and G5 builds available)
remarks: A Cocoa-written browser using the Gecko (Mozilla) engine. Its last update was in 2012.

supports 10.4 and 10.5
remarks: Media-focused web browser based on Mozilla, last version is Intel-only, while 3.0.2 isn't. Last updated in 2010.

Demeter 1.0.9
supports 10.4 to 10.5
remarks: Demeter last updated in 2008. A 1.5 beta version, same link, also last updated in 2008.

supports 10.3.9 to 10.5.8
remarks: iCab 4.9, last updated 2012, runs on 10.3.9 to 10.4.11; iCab 5.1.1, last updated 2013, runs on 10.5.

OmniWeb 5.11.2
supports 10.4.8 to 10.5.8
remarks: Last updated in 2012.

Opera 10.63
supports 10.4 through 10.5.8
remarks: Last updated 2010.

supports 10.4 and 10.5
remarks: A WebKit-based browser (the Leopard version, 1.5.1, could be re-linkable against Leopard-WebKit using LWK’s AppleScript).

SeaMonkey 2.26
supports 10.5
remarks: last updated 2014.

Shira 2.3
supports 10.4.11 through 10.5.8
remarks: WebKit-based browser which can be re-linked against Leopard-WebKit’s AppleScript. Last updated 2010.

Stainless 0.8
supports 10.5
remarks: A WebKit-based browser that can be re-linked against Leopard-WebKit’s AppleScript. Not maintained since 2011.

Sunrise 1.8.5
supports 10.5
remarks: WebKit-based development browser. Last updated in 2009.

Lobo Browser
supports 10.5 with Java SE 6.0 installed
remarks: Open-source Java-based cross-platform web browser, last updated in 2009. Updated forks are available, but not compatible with Java SE 6.0.

TenFourKit 533.2.1
supports 10.4
remarks: WebKit for Tiger, using Safari 6 updates (ca. 2010). Released in 2012 and not maintained since.

AD-BLOCKING add-ons (for Mozilla-based browsers)

uBlock origin-legacy
supports PPC Mozilla browsers (TenFourFox, ArcticFox, IceWeasel-PPC, InterWebPPC)
remarks: similar to the current uBlock origin, this version is the latest to run on the above PPC Mozilla browsers.

uMatrix 1.0.0 (legacy)
supports PPC Mozilla browsers (TenFourFox, ArcticFox, IceWeasel-PPC, InterWebPPC)
remarks: no longer supported, but granular-level control over cookies, XHR, JS from first- and third-party web page servers.

LEGACY ADD-ONs (for Mozilla-based browsers)

Legacy Firefox add-ons
remarks: This archive is only available from Wayback machine; not all add-on links may work.


@eyoungren’s tweaks for TenFourFox
remarks: Low-level configuration tweaks (under about:config) found to generally reduce performance hits on slower CPU PowerPC Macs.
Alternately, a sample prefs.js includes all the tweaks in one place. These tweaks may also be applied to other Mozilla-based browsers.

remarks: A package of enhancements to improve the TenFourFox browsing experience (similar to @eyoungren ’s tweaks, but more hands-off).


PPCMC 7.2.3
supports 10.4 through 10.5
remarks: Maintained as of 2021, this can download YouTube audio and video, and also play both YouTube and Twitch streams on PPCs.

supports 10.4 through 10.5
A small YouTube TenFourFoxBox with TenFourFoxPEP built-in to stream YouTube videos on PPCs with at least a G4/1.25 GHz. May also be used on all machines to acquire video URLs for use with PPCMC 7.

supports 10.5
remarks: Last updated fall of 2020. Can download videos and can also be used to get URL's for PPCMC. For support, follow this MR discussion.


GyazMail 1.5.21
supports 10.4.3 through 10.5.8


Fetch 5.0.5
supports 10.2.4 through 10.5.8

Transmit 3.6.9
supports 10.4 through 10.5

Transmit 4.2
supports 10.5.8


AuroraFox - Port of Firefox 20 (2021 update: no longer accessible)

Sunrise 2.2.1 - WebKit browser for Web developers (2021 update: last/only version for 10.5 still accessible is an Intel binary only)

NOTE: This is a WikiPost. If you can think of any good browsing clients for PowerPC Macs, please add them.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 16, 2016
Added some less well-known browsers and Midori of course ;) Just wondering, can OmniWeb be relinked against LWK? OmniWeb is a WebKit browser after all
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Added Sunrise.

Maybe someone wants to add Shira, which is what Demeter is based on and if Demeter is there Shira should be as well.

Also, if Roccat is there then Radon should be added.
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 3, 2017
Stuttgart, Germany
Maybe something like this?


  • TenFourFox - Build of new Firefox for PowerPC. Only up-to-date browser for 10.4.
  • Leopard-WebKit - Safari, but with the latest WebKit builds! Pages render just as they would in Safari 10.
  • Roccat - The 3rd of the only 3 browser kept up-to-date that support PowerPC. You need to relink it against Leopard-WebKit or else it will use the old WebKit builds used in Safari 5.
  • Demeter - Very fast web browser. Not fully out of development, so it can be buggy.
  • iCab - Versions that support Leopard and Tiger aren't the latest but they're not half bad.
  • Camino - Old (2012), but fast and good for basic browsing.
  • AuroraFox - Port of Firefox 20
  • SeaMonkey - Last updated in December 2013.
  • Stainless - Said to be pretty speedy and can relink against LWK.
  • Sunrise - Web browser for Web developers
  • Opera - Latest version is 10.63 but it's still surprisingly capable.
  • TenFourFox - Build of new Firefox for PowerPC. Only up-to-date browser for 10.4.
  • TenFourKit - Newer WebKit for Tiger. Outdated, but better than Safari 4.
  • OmniWeb - Possibly the 2nd best web browser for Tiger. Not up-to-date, but works well. Best browser for lower end machines with Tiger.
  • iCab - Versions that support Leopard and Tiger aren't the latest but they're not half bad.
  • Camino - Old (2012), but fast and good for basic browsing.
  • Opera - Latest version is 10.63 but it's still surprisingly capable.
  • Midori - Hasn't been updated in a while but it's very fast on older hardware.
  • FireFox - Latest version that supports Linux on PowerPC is 47 which is pretty recent. OS X PPC maxes out at 3.6.x


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 6, 2015
Central Michigan
Added some less well-known browsers and Midori of course ;) Just wondering, can OmniWeb be relinked against LWK? OmniWeb is a WebKit browser after all
That's be an interesting thing to try. Once I have a Mac running Leopard I'll try it!
Haha that's why I made it in an extra post instead of changing Henrys Wiki :D
No need, if I didn't like it I'd just revert back. :p

I like your idea a lot, and I'll copy/paste your post into the Wiki. :)
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 6, 2015
Central Michigan
Added Sunrise.

Maybe someone wants to add Shira, which is what Demeter is based on and if Demeter is there Shira should be as well.

Also, if Roccat is there then Radon should be added.
Feel free to add Radon. I've never used it so I don't know which OS to put it under.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 6, 2015
Central Michigan
Sometime tonight or tomorrow I'll add a poll to the thread asking which web browser you use. I know I had a thread on that, but now we have some new members, and this is a place where new members will likely see as it's in the FAQ.
[doublepost=1492910857][/doublepost]Added the poll. Unfortunately there isn't room for every web browser, so I added what I thought would be the most popular. When deciding on which browser would be in the last spot, I couldn't decide if it should be Opera or iCab so I added an option for both. :D


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Added Shiira 2.3. Last version available. I put it in the Leopard section because I was unsure, but it probably runs on Tiger.

Last updated in 2004.
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 6, 2015
Central Michigan
Shiira does indeed work on Tiger. However, it doesn't work well at all. Works similar to Safari 4, which is really bad.

Again, anything worse than Camino should not be on here. And if it's a WebKit-based browser, only put it in Leopard even if it supports Tiger because relinking only works in Leopard.

Following these rules, I'm going to remove Radon from Tiger (but keep it on Leopard), and also remove OmniWeb from Tiger as it's WebKit based and will work like Safari 4 (again, I'll keep OmniWeb on the Leopard section). Shiira will be removed from both sections.

Not trying to be picky, but if we don't set the standard somewhere 3/4 of the list will be full of unusable browsers.


macrumors 603
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
Shiira does indeed work on Tiger. However, it doesn't work well at all. Works similar to Safari 4, which is really bad.

Again, anything worse than Camino should not be on here. And if it's a WebKit-based browser, only put it in Leopard even if it supports Tiger because relinking only works in Leopard.

Following these rules, I'm going to remove Radon from Tiger (but keep it on Leopard), and also remove OmniWeb from Tiger as it's WebKit based and will work like Safari 4 (again, I'll keep OmniWeb on the Leopard section). Shiira will be removed from both sections.

Not trying to be picky, but if we don't set the standard somewhere 3/4 of the list will be full of unusable browsers.

This all seems rather subjective...I don't use Camino on Tiger because it cannot play Youtube or any Flash content, whereas I prefer Omniweb as a more efficient mobile agent Youtube player than TenFourKit...
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macrumors 6502
Dec 16, 2016
Shiira does indeed work on Tiger. However, it doesn't work well at all. Works similar to Safari 4, which is really bad.

Again, anything worse than Camino should not be on here. And if it's a WebKit-based browser, only put it in Leopard even if it supports Tiger because relinking only works in Leopard.

Following these rules, I'm going to remove Radon from Tiger (but keep it on Leopard), and also remove OmniWeb from Tiger as it's WebKit based and will work like Safari 4 (again, I'll keep OmniWeb on the Leopard section). Shiira will be removed from both sections.

Not trying to be picky, but if we don't set the standard somewhere 3/4 of the list will be full of unusable browsers.

Waaaait! OmniWeb has updated WebKit AFAIK, well it's faster and renders pages better so.. yeah


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 6, 2015
Central Michigan
Waaaait! OmniWeb has updated WebKit AFAIK, well it's faster and renders pages better so.. yeah
This all seems rather subjective...I don't use Camino on Tiger because it cannot play Youtube or any Flash content, whereas I prefer Omniweb as a more efficient mobile agent Youtube player than TenFourKit...
I didn't know these things about OmniWeb, I'll add it back! @Dronecatcher you're right, while some browsers may not be great for regular use they have their strengths.


macrumors 6502
Oct 29, 2014
Oregon North Coast
Waaaait! OmniWeb has updated WebKit AFAIK, well it's faster and renders pages better so.. yeah
Does it? I looked over at their downloads and while it says it supports 10.4.8 and higher, it is still a 2009 browser. Is there some other place to get a more current version? Or is that the version you are talking about?


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 6, 2015
Central Michigan
Does it? I looked over at their downloads and while it says it supports 10.4.8 and higher, it is still a 2009 browser. Is there some other place to get a more current version? Or is that the version you are talking about?
OmniWeb works a lot like Safari 4, at least for me. I still think it's using the built-in WebKit, but others wanted it on the list so it's staying.


macrumors 6502
Dec 16, 2016
OmniWeb works a lot like Safari 4, at least for me. I still think it's using the built-in WebKit, but others wanted it on the list so it's staying.

Doesn't relink against LWK, it's much faster than any other browser, features native ad blocking and user agent changing so I think that it has updated WebKit.
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