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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 4, 2010
I have an older MacMini, PPC G4, circa 2005, max'd out at 1GB RAM. I wanted to use it as my iTunes/music server and for occasionally viewing internet content on my Mitsubishi big screen.

In addition, I have a Samsung 24" 1080p monitor in the equipment closet.

I tried to drive my Mistubishi 65" directly from the MacMini, via a DVI to HDMI adapter. Nothing, no sync, no flashing, just black screen.

I can drive my Samsung monitor, at 1080i, (not sure if I actually got 1080p) with a DVI cable to the DVI input on the monitor, just fine. However, when I use a DVI to HDMI adapter and drive the Samsung via an HDMI input, it won't sync up properly (reduced image size), or for more than about 1 minute, then I get sparkles and the screen goes blank.

I can only figure that I am missing something really basic??? Any ideas or advice would be appreciated.
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