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macrumors 65816
Jan 5, 2017
Melbourne, FL
I’m an independent with views that largely lean Libertarian. Conservative economic views and liberal social views. But I prefer to be independent because I don’t want to be beholden to any party’s views. Being free is the whole point of being an American in my opinion. I wholeheartedly support the Second Amendment along with the First and the rest of the Bill of Rights. Trump supporters are the rabble. They are dumb, uneducated, have low actual ethics and morals despite claiming to be religious, they have no problem and seem to enjoy cruelty being used against others, they have no respect for what is true or false, easily controlled by their emotions and failings, bigoted, etc. Most of all they are just Trump’s marks and like all rabble are just his cannon fodder and they represent what lays beneath the thin veneer of civilization.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 14, 2012
Cool. Do you have an article that explains to what servers exactly this locally accessed clipboard data is actually transferred to? And while you're at it, maybe one that also explains how often these servers that store that data were accessed by Chinese developers? I'd like to read more about these specifics.

All this talk, I think I'm feeling paranoid about my data now. You know, even a IT guy can access all my health records and financial data. Heck, back when I worked in the industry I worked at a client (a hospital) and a guy from GE in Milwaukee dialed in to check some logs, he could have accessed all patient data. When he couldn't get things done, he had another another software engineer from Japan (they provided some frameworks for GE) dial in. The guy in Japan also had full access to patient data. You might be onto something here. Back then I was told they have contracts and act according to law. So I guess there's hope and if they would have pulled confidential patient data, someone would have proof for it. But maybe people haven't figured it out yet, because technology is brand new... oh wait.

So you teach computer science and don't know what data collection is and how it works in iOS or Android??
Get Angela Yu's dev course on udemy. You will grasp the concept by day 30 with actual project in your hand doind this stuff. It's basics.

Again, if that happens (data being misused) make sure people get locked or whatever needs to be done so it doesn't happen.
It is a very simple concept of right and wrong. Not sure wtf you got so worked up about.

As for why I'm so specific about TikTok? According to TikTok's TOS, min full experience user age is 13.
At 13 you are a tool in hands of a giant and none of the shady **** should happen. ZERO tolerance for it.


macrumors 68020
Oct 22, 2014
known but velocity indeterminate
The president has no control over gas prices. It's based on production levels and demand.

While what you've stated are the primary drivers of gasoline prices the government can have effects as well in many ways.

They can affect supply by releasing on increasing stockpiles from the strategic reserve (obviously this would only be short term)

They can enact policy that affects supply such as controlling how many drilling leases are approved or establishing or ending sanctions on various oil producing countries (e.g. Iran, Venezuela)

They can directly affect final price through the federal gas taxes, conversely this can also have an effect on demand

They can affect demand through policies such as minimum mileage requirements on vehicles

They can affect demand via tax incentives for alternative fuel vehicles or grants for technology development that drives alternative fuel vehicles.

They can drive markets for commodities (oil and gas being such) via foreign policy that is perceived to have an effect on supply whether it does or not.

I agree with you that the vast majority of price swings are based upon markets but it's incorrect to say that the president has no control at all.


macrumors 68020
Nov 15, 2016
Trump supporters are the rabble. They are dumb, uneducated, have low actual ethics and morals despite claiming to be religious, they have no problem and seem to enjoy cruelty being used against others, they have no respect for what is true or false, easily controlled by their emotions and failings, bigoted, etc.
Since the forum software doesn't allow it, two thumbs up.


macrumors 68000
Apr 19, 2004
I mean...would it have been that terrible of an idea to ban TikTok?
What most people don't understand is that every company is collecting data. It doesn't matter if it's one based in China, the US, Russia, Spain, Australia, etc.

So why pick one out ban it? Because someones feelings were hurt and that person has to point a finger somewhere? Makes no sense. If you ban one, then ban them all.

I'd also advise people to actually look at what data is collected. Do I really care if some company in China, US, Australia, etc. knows what iPhone and iOS version I'm using? Hint, nope, I don't. And please stop with the conspiracy theories that they have all the personal data about me. People making such claims don't even know how to check what data is collected in the first place, because they lack the technical background.

I find it odd that so many complain about TikTok (any maybe Facebook/Google) and yet it's absolutely ok for some reason that the NSA is trying to force Cisco into installing potential weakspots/backdoors in their equipment so they can spy on the whole world. Where's the "ban the NSA!" in that case? Not that government agencies of other countries are not trying the same. Thinking China is the only evil here, is very naive.
I can only assume that you are not American. So it makes no difference if you are getting spied on by any of these agencies. One is as good or bad as the next.

However, it is the job of the NSA to spy on others for the benefit of the USA. As an American I want them to be good at it and not get caught. It benefits my country and therefor benefits me. Likewise I don’t want to get spied on by another country so that it benefits them and disadvantages me.

I expect any country with the means to do so to try and for their own citizens to be ok with it and not ok with another country spying on them.

It is not supposed to be a game with fair rules.
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 14, 2012
I’m an independent with views that largely lean Libertarian. Conservative economic views and liberal social views. But I prefer to be independent because I don’t want to be beholden to any party’s views. Being free is the whole point of being an American in my opinion. I wholeheartedly support the Second Amendment along with the First and the rest of the Bill of Rights. Trump supporters are the rabble. They are dumb, uneducated, have low actual ethics and morals despite claiming to be religious, they have no problem and seem to enjoy cruelty being used against others, they have no respect for what is true or false, easily controlled by their emotions and failings, bigoted, etc. Most of all they are just Trump’s marks and like all rabble are just his cannon fodder and they represent what lays beneath the thin veneer of civilization.

You mind if I point something out?

  1. obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction; in particular, prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
"...They are dumb, uneducated, have low actual ethics and morals..."

Your posts sounds exactly like that. It's a rant based on your own belief which can be proven wrong as there are plenty educated, wealthy and super smart people in that group and each and single one of them renders your point moot.
No need for that lads. Find a way to drop the hate. Eats you alive.

Everybody should listen to this guy. Life changing if you take it without any prejudice.
What an epic boss.

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macrumors 68020
Nov 15, 2016
So you teach computer science and don't know what data collection is and how it works in iOS or Android??
Oh don't worry, I know very well. But apparently for some it's the same when data is "accessed on a local device and never leaves that device", "accessed on a local device and then transferred to a local server according to local laws" and "accessed on a local device and then transferred to a local server according to local laws and further then that server is accessed by someone who has authorization to access the server, but not legally access that specific information from the clipboard which is now on the server".

It's ok, you don't have that information, no worries. The first step would be to proof that clipboard info is actually transferred to any server and not just kept locally, for example to use as data for a an integrated "recommender system" or similar things. Then further how it's accessed. If it stays locally on device and never makes it to permanent storage on any server, all good.

As for why I'm so specific about TikTok? According to TikTok's TOS, min full experience user age is 13.
At 13 you are a tool in hands of a giant and none of the shady **** should happen. ZERO tolerance for it.
Well, multiple problems. Shouldn't there be local laws then that prevent a specific app being released to a local market? Movies and games have ratings, why not apply the same for apps? Even at 13, this still requires parents/guardians permission, doesn't it? Apple seems to be ok with it, they gave it an age rating of 12+ at least in some countries.
Why not enforce (locally) 18+? Then either TikTok plays along for each specific country or they're removed from the local App Store until they comply. Isn't that a much better solution than banning as long as they do nothing which is illegal? I'm not talking moral here.


macrumors 68000
Mar 1, 2006
No, the DNC was and is behind who they want the people to vote for. They sacrificed Bernie Sanders in 2016 and again in 2020. Tulsa Gabbard was basically disowned by the DNC because she wasn’t afraid to call out the corruption of the Clintons. The current DNC and RNC are full of trash people and candidates.
I'll say again, the DNC didn't put Biden in the White House, voters did.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 14, 2012
Oh don't worry, I know very well. But apparently for some it's the same when data is "accessed on a local device and never leaves that device", "accessed on a local device and then transferred to a local server according to local laws" and "accessed on a local device and then transferred to a local server according to local laws and further then that server is accessed by someone who has authorization to access the server, but not legally access that specific information from the clipboard which is now on the server".

It's ok, you don't have that information, no worries. The first step would be to proof that clipboard info is actually transferred to any server and not just kept locally, for example to use as data for a an integrated "recommender system" or similar things. Then further how it's accessed. If it stays locally on device and never makes it to permanent storage on any server, all good.

Well, multiple problems. Shouldn't there be local laws then that prevent a specific app being released to a local market? Movies and games have ratings, why not apply the same for apps? Even at 13, this still requires parents/guardians permission, doesn't it? Apple seems to be ok with it, they gave it an age rating of 12+ at least in some countries.
Why not enforce (locally) 18+? Then either TikTok plays along for each specific country or they're removed from the local App Store until they comply. Isn't that a much better solution than banning as long as they do nothing which is illegal? I'm not talking moral here.

Do you have any conclusive/scientific information that I am wrong or your next post will call me trump supporter again lol?
Also how you want to test that info without API access?


macrumors 6502a
Nov 14, 2012
I'll say again, the DNC didn't put Biden in the White House, voters did.

Is it possible that this was accomplished with "help" of foreign influence thanks to media / social media.
Not like US never did it so why wouldn't it be in foreign powers interest to do it to US especially with such free access to media?
Hypothetically of course.

***FOR THE RECORD. In my opinion Trump did it to himself by having access to twitter account.


macrumors 68020
Nov 15, 2016
So it makes no difference if you are getting spied on by any of these agencies. One is as good or bad as the next.
Yes, that is the case. Being spied on is a bad thing, it doesn't matter who does they spying and who's spied upon.

However, it is the job of the NSA to spy on others for the benefit of the USA. As an American I want them to be good at it and not get caught. It benefits my country and therefor benefits me. Likewise I don’t want to get spied on by another country so that it benefits them and disadvantages.
Do you actually believe that the US government is not spying on US citizens or at least obtain that information via others? This is a trade game after all. The idea that one has an advantage when the own country is spying on others and have its own citizens under observation is very short sighted. What this leads to is not globalization, we as humans, but we'll keep up separation MAGA, the Nazis, etc. The spying has to stop. In the very, very distant future there has to be "Earth" and not countries to survive. Sadly none of us will be around to see it.

Do you have any conclusive/scientific information that I am wrong or your next post will call me trump supporter again lol?
Around, around, around we go. Again, you make the claim it's ending up in China, you prove it. US laws and contracts. US authorities can validate if data was accessed illegally from China. Have they made that claim? Nope, case closed.


macrumors 68000
Mar 1, 2006
Is it possible that this was accomplished with "help" of foreign influence thanks to media / social media.
Not like US never did it so why wouldn't it be in foreign powers interest to do it to US especially with such free access to media?
Hypothetically of course.

***FOR THE RECORD. In my opinion Trump did it to himself by having access to twitter account.
Is it possible, sure, but Biden's been in US politics for decades, and run for president multiple times. If it hadn't been for family issues, and Hillary being up to bat in 2016, I think he'd have done it then.

The DNC is a private political organization, and they're certainly allowed to favor whoever they like, but ultimately, voters in primaries decide who goes on to be candidate. Like 2016, Bernie was popular, but the base of his support - young people - just didn't show, and while things looked bleak for Biden at the start, southern states cemented him as the candidate by showing that he could rally the black and minority vote unlike other candidates.

Trump lost because he's the loser he's always been, and he had 4 years in the greatest spotlight of all to make that clear to everyone. He didn't disappoint in that regard.


macrumors 68020
Nov 15, 2016
All this ranting... wakeup call:
U.S. President Joe Biden has withdrawn a series of executive orders from his predecessor Donald Trump banning Chinese apps TikTok and WeChat in the United States.
Done! Don't like it? Rant until the next election, it won't change anything, become president yourself and then reverse the decision (again). Until then... The End... :)


Jun 18, 2014
Regardless of the peoples political preferences, I think we can all enjoy this relief together. Now just to get Elon to stop being a berk too...

Edit: So many disagrees. Wow. Does that really mean that there are people out there who don't realise that it was he being the insecure moron on Twitter?! Now that is a worry.

Always good comedy though to watch someone calling others stupid whilst failing at basic punctuation.


i'd disagree on the Elon part.

i rather have an eccentric tech CEO than another CEO let their Twitter account be controlled by PR. following Jeff Bezos on Twitter is such a snoozefest.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 14, 2012
Yes, that is the case. Being spied on is a bad thing, it doesn't matter who does they spying and who's spied upon.

Do you actually believe that the US government is not spying on US citizens or at least obtain that information via others? This is a trade game after all. The idea that one has an advantage when the own country is spying on others and have its own citizens under observation is very short sighted. What this leads to is not globalization, we as humans, but we'll keep up separation MAGA, the Nazis, etc. The spying has to stop. In the very, very distant future there has to be "Earth" and not countries to survive. Sadly none of us will be around to see it.

Around, around, around we go. Again, you make the claim it's ending up in China, you prove it. US laws and contracts. US authorities can validate if data was accessed illegally from China. Have they made that claim? Nope, case closed.

You talk about "spying has to stop" but are happy to joke about using gov allocated resources to spy on people like me.
Make up your mind.

Also your idealistic and absolutes based legal outlook is a utopia that will never happen. There's a reason final judgement is left to a judge to INTERPRET the law not some YES/NO checkmark in some book of conduct.

Have you read any history book? To this day there are countless groups with millions upon millions of members that affiliate only with their tribes not countries and you're talking about uniting the planet? lmao wheee good luck! You will have to murder a loooooot of people to achieve that. You willing to do that in the name of greater good?

If the data belongs to China which it does as the company is owned by Chinese entity, then assuming that is not ending there is a fallacy. Also how would it be illegal if it is theirs lol??

like saying BMW has a factory in US that means that BWM owners that live in Germany never see a dime.

AND AGAIN as a computer science teacher please explain how can I access readable data (not just some packets) without API access?


macrumors 68020
Nov 15, 2016
You talk about "spying has to stop" but are happy to joke about using gov allocated resources to spy on people like me.
Make up your mind.
No worries, I'm all clear. Please continue your ranting, maybe Biden will hear you and reverse it. ?


Apr 23, 2010
I listened to the 40+ hours of witness testimony in the Senate Hearings for PA, AZ, MI, GA and MI. Did you?

Over the months, the data emerging, nothing I've heard contradicts the witness testimony.

The Antrim County forensic testing of the machines hinted at what the machines were doing.

Now, the Maricopa County audit is coming to completion.

People can say there is no evidence -- and information keeps coming - and people keep saying there is no evidence. At some point, early adopters will start to read the information. Late adopters will come later.

In January 2020, it was easy to dismiss the evidence by saying the witnesses were lying or didn't understand what they saw. Now, a year and a half later, we are getting to the level of getting evidence at the machine coding level. At what point do people keep saying "there is no evidence", or do they say, ok, I'll start seeing the information objectively.

Nothing SUPPORTS it either, its just their opinion at this point. Sixty court cases, and not once did the lawyers (1) submit any evidence or (2) say under oath there was fraud.

Trump LOST. Get over it, just like we got over Hillary losing (who by the way was far less popular than Biden, and she STILL beat Trump in popular vote.)

And thousands of people report seeing UFOs and Bigfoot too. That 40 hours is just as convincing.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 14, 2012
No worries, I'm all clear. Please continue your ranting, maybe Biden will hear you and reverse it. ?


  1. speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.
I'm not the one getting emotional here so where did that come from?
I'm trying to have a genuine discussion because subjects like this interest me a lot.

While I'm not gonna press to continue this conversation you did ask me about this several times and ignored each answer but I would love to hear your input on this:

If the data belongs to China which it does as the company is owned by Chinese entity, then assuming that is not ending there is a fallacy.
With that out of the way, how (even if having to be proven true in the eye of law) would it be illegal if it is theirs (they can argue it was apples fault) in the first place and there are no specific laws that go against that as of now??

Do you want several years of congress/senate to fight over this (whoever's interest would be at stake at the time doesn't matter) and compromise even more information or you take a stand and force this practice to be revised by the entire industry so that it doesn't happen again in the future?

The way you speak now seems that you are ok with compromising a lot of peoples data / safety in the name of "freedom" that is heavily influenced by your open despise of former US president.
Not saying right or wrong. Just my observation.

I just think that you gotta be careful what you wish for cause you never know how the wind will blow next time and on which side of the fence you will end up. To avoid that EVRYBODY should be taken into consideration. No just the side you agree with because ultimately this does affect absolutely everybody.
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Apr 23, 2010
This makes me sure about that Biden will sell Taiwan to China.

The US just deployed 3/4 of our Pacific submarine force to see for "training exercises". China isn't doing anything but blustering towards Taiwan.

If I were you, I'd be more worried abut Trump's secret China bank accounts, all that tax money he paid to China (but not the US), the quick turnaround China gave his children on patents (what did that cost?) and all the crap of Trump's he has made in China.


Apr 23, 2010
There are literally thousands of Chinese based apps on the Apple and Google stores. Yet Trump people are losing their **** over just two of them.
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macrumors 68000
Apr 19, 2004
Yes, that is the case. Being spied on is a bad thing, it doesn't matter who does they spying and who's spied upon.

Do you actually believe that the US government is not spying on US citizens or at least obtain that information via others? This is a trade game after all. The idea that one has an advantage when the own country is spying on others and have its own citizens under observation is very short sighted. What this leads to is not globalization, we as humans, but we'll keep up separation MAGA, the Nazis, etc. The spying has to stop. In the very, very distant future there has to be "Earth" and not countries to survive. Sadly none of us will be around to see it.

Around, around, around we go. Again, you make the claim it's ending up in China, you prove it. US laws and contracts. US authorities can validate if data was accessed illegally from China. Have they made that claim? Nope, case closed.

Countries have to act with the reality that exists today. Not some idealized distant future. Gathering intelligence is vital for security. The more you know the better decisions you can make.

When I am at an intersection and the light turns green I do not step on the accelerator immediately. I have to make sure no other car is coming. I can’t assume they will stop because they have a red light.

In your example you say “US authories can validate”? How exactly can this be done if they aren’t already gathering information or getting it from someone who is? If another country is trying to steal your secrets there is a good chance they’ll take measures to avoid getting caught. If you aren’t already spying on them then what options do you have? Ask thief if they robbed you and hope they answer honestly?

Whether NSA use loopholes to spy on US citizens or spy directly is a separate matter. But it is not a good argument to make to say “don’t trust your own government cause they might be spying on you but do trust that another country’s government is not spying on you.”


macrumors 6502a
Nov 14, 2012
There are literally thousands of Chinese based apps on the Apple and Google stores. Yet Trump people are losing their **** over just two of them.
Yeah so the point is to prevent them all from using loopholes like this.
TikTok is a great start. Rest can follow. Domestic too btw. Instagram ain't much better.

Also with your logic it is apples fault as they let those apps in.
Do you know what is the process of app submission in China for example?
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