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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 2, 2015

I am having an issue with how preview is printing some of my PDFs. When I go to print a Letter sized page in preview, the print screen opens and has a preview of the print being correct. However, when it prints, it has pushed the content up a few inches cutting off the top 3rd or so of the content. I've checked other forums and similar issues. Most of them talk about improper page size settings and I've messed with those all that I can. The problem persists. The images below show what I want to print, the print screen (with the preview and settings showing), and then the print result (which I got by double clicking on the print job in the printer's cue).

Also, this all seems to print fine in Adobe, except for sometimes it takes a long time for a job to go from Adobe to the printer. I much prefer Preview in my workflow.


What I want printed:

What it ends up printing:


Staff member
Jul 1, 2014
What options did you set in Preview for printing? And in Preview, Tools > Show Inspector, what does it say re: page size?

I downloaded a PDF of sheet music. Page size was 8.27x11.7, and was able to print it correctly (Brother DCP7020) to Letter-size by having the "Scale to Fit" option checked, with the "Print Entire Image" sub-option set.

Only other thing I can think of is that the "title" section of the page, the extents of that hang off/over the top of the page, and that could be causing odd things to happen.

ADD: and what is the creator tool that is listed in Tools > Show Inspector? I've seen in the past some "off-brand" PDF generators create some odd PDFs.
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