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Minimoose 360

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 7, 2008
Hey guys, quick question:

I just got a synthesizer that came with some software. The first disc booted up fine, but the second is getting stuck. The drive revs up and then calms down, repeating this over and over. I couldn't get it to eject normally either so I did the old restart/button hold.

The second time I tried to boot it, it hung up again. I put the MBP into sleep mode and then woke it up. OSX popped up saying I had inserted a blank disc and yadda yadda yadda.

I've already reset the SMC and the PMU, tried a third time, and it still won't recognize the disc.

Out of the three times I've actually had to use the disc drive, two times it hasn't worked! (This same thing happened before but after three tries the disc was recognized.)

Thoughts? Faulty software?

EDIT: Nevermind, it just booted up on the fourth try. -.- That being said, is there any reason why this keeps happening?
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