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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 5, 2007
A friend of mine with a MBA has to install boot camp so he can use a piece of software for the Bar Exam (software is called Examsoft).

Unfortunately, he has lost the install discs that came with his MBA. So I installed XP for him and used a Retail Leopard disc to install the drivers, but Windows always crashes at the same point - when it's loading the Broadcom ethernet driver.

Does anyone have any suggestions? If he takes the laptop to an Apple Store, will they let him 'borrow' a MBA install disc?

I had this problem with one of my Macbook Pros - the Retail Leopard disc didn't correctly install the drivers, but the discs that originally came with the computer did...


Tallest Skil

macrumors P6
Aug 13, 2006
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
That's because the computer is very likely newer than the Leopard retail disk and can't even run the version of Leopard on the disk. As such, many of the Boot Camp drivers would be useless as well. You'll need to find the proper driver online.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 5, 2007


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 5, 2007
Well I used Toast to burn the drivers from that website but could not get the .exe to run in XP - not sure what I did wrong...

Anyway, I used the install discs that came with my new MacBook Pro and it worked fine.

Thanks again
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