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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 30, 2007
So I was recently invited over to play starcraft at a friends apartment. I was worried that it wouldn't work on my intel macbook (all my friends were on PC laptops), but they assured me it should work, probably assuming I had a PowerPC based macbook and not an intel based one. As I had thought, when I put in my friend's CD to install starcraft, the only message I got was that the installer was "not supported by this system." I did some research and found the native OS X installer, which for whatever reason took me a few tries to download and open, but it finally kicked into gear and I was able to install a full version of starcraft using my friend's name and cd key. Then I patched up to the most recent update, which also took a few tries but finally worked. Thinking we were ready to go, my friend created a game. I was able to join, and so was one of my other friends, but the fourth and final friend could not. He couldn't even see the game, or the UDP option on the multiplayer screen. The friend that created the game was spawning the other two friends, and I was using an independent cd and key etc. We thought that maybe the deal was you can only spawn one person, but I checked out the blizzard site and, unless I am mistaken, it says you can spawn up to 8 players. are my questions if anyone can help.

1. Why exactly wouldnt Starcraft just install on my computer? I am fairly certain it has to do with the fact that non-powerPC macs are not able to revert to os 9 and thus can't handle classic applications, but I'm not sure and I really want to know what makes the intel macs different than the rest.

2. Is it possible at all to simply have a spawn version of Starcraft on an intel mac? If so, how? I think if we were all spawning from one CD it would work.

3. I realize this is a mac based forum, so I'll let my pc friends deal with their own problems, but I just want to know...anything that could be a problem because I'm bringing a mac into the situation? Anything I can do to make it work? Should I create/host the game? The only other thing I can think of is if I install the game in full (because I don't know how to install a spawn version) and my three friends all spawn off of that CD, and then I create/host the game. Would that help?

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