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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 26, 2005
This may be waaay too ambitious - but I'm wondering if there's a way to link my old InterAct DexDrive (used for transfering PS1 memory card saves) to my PPC Mac running 10.4. If anyone has successfully done this and can comment on the following roadblocks, great!

Problem 1: DexDrive uses a PC serial port. I might buy a serial-to-USB adaptor, but they don't look cheap, and I'd rather not spend the $$$ if the hardware itself doesn't work. Do these adaptors in fact work? On PPC Macs? Under OS X? (I recall SCSI-to-USB, ADB-to-USB, etc. adaptors could be pretty flaky; worried about the same here).

Problem 2: Both DexDrive's default software & private alternatives I've found are PC-only. Are there any Mac versions?

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