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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 6, 2011

If you have "Nuance PDF Converter for Mac" it is EOL/discontinued, replaced with "Nuance Power PDF for Mac" or a sold version of "Kofax Power PDF for Mac".
Fujitsu Scansnap users (well at least I did as a iX1500 owner) can obtain a download link for the Nuance-branded version ("Nuance Power PDF for Mac") and a new license code for it, by contacting Fujitsu support directly.

I thought this might be of use to other users, somewhere in future...

After recently upgrading to the new Fujitsu Scansnap iX1500 document scanner, they include a license code and download link to "Nuance PDF Converter for Mac" in the box. The latest version being v6.1.

But as I couldn't get the software to OCR around half my scanned items, I attempted to contact Nuance recently only to find out it was EOL/discontinued software, and had been replaced with one called "Nuance Power PDF for Mac" with latest version being v3.0.1.

HOWEVER, they said that it was not sold anymore directly under the Nuance brand name, since Nuance's scanning software business was sold months ago to company called Kofax. Hence I could buy it from Kofax sold under "Kofax Power PDF for Mac" (for ~$129!).

Given this machine was only a couple of months old, I therefore contacted Fujitsu support, and had to explain to them that the software download link & license code they're including in the box for a brand new scanner(!) was already dead for updates with the last version being buggy!
A bit of back and forth by email, then after a couple of days they supplied me with a new license code and a link to download the (older-branded) "Nuance Power PDF for Mac" (v3.0.1).

I then contacted Nuance sales online chat, they gave me a UK support tel. no. for their imaging support, who actually turned out to still be Nuance support! They explained that while the software has been branded as Kofax, Nuance are still currently handling much of the support. They also explained that both the Nuance and Kofax versions of "Power PDF for Mac" should be the same (currently v3.0.1), although you cannot use the Nuance license with the Kofax version, as you have to buy the Kofax version directly from Kofax's website (i.e. there's nowhere to download the product, and then enter a license code).

So to finish, Fujitsu are supplying bundled the Nuance branded version for some unknown reason. But the directly sold version is now from Kofax and branded as them. They should work the same, but one has to wonder why Fujitsu are still supplying the older Nuance branded version vs. the newer Kofax branded version? And more importantly, is the older Nuance branded version going to be updated along with the newer Kofax branded version?

Such a pain in the backside. Really, Fujitsu should just supply the Kofax branded version, and let their users not have to worry it's going to be unsupported by Kofax sometime in the future, no doubt just after we're out of warranty on our scanner. Annoying, but there we are. :-|


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 6, 2011
Should say that other alternatives work with this doc scanner and are able to be set-up inside the "ScanSnap Home" app accordingly.

Some full PDF editing ones:
VueScan, PDF Expert, PDF Pen (free with Setapp) / PDF Pen Pro, and of course the (expensive) Adobe Acrobat DC.

Also search the Mac Apps Store for smaller vanilla utility OCR-ing apps that may work.
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