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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 30, 2009
Not sure which blog site I found this on, but a week in an it appears a flurry of spam\phishing emails being sent to my .me account, and .me alias are all but gone.

I was getting 3-5 emails per day about "my account", things like email failed to send, problem with account or login, pictures failed to upload, etc. Then, I found that Apple appears to have a pretty good way of working with customers to filter these out. Simply forward any offending emails to your .icloud, .Mac, .me accounts or aliases to Apple, more details here.

Over the last week, I have sent 10-15 and seen the volume drop. 2 days now with 0 of these emails. Apparently, they take these serious and block the offenders. So, do yourself and others a favor and don't simply delete these, but report them.

I setup an Apple contact and added these two email addresses to it. Works with any email client app.
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