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macrumors 6502a
Oct 31, 2004
That there big London
That would seem to be a sensible strategy with their existing customer base, where will they take their custom to?
(Aside from the other arguments in this thread) this is exactly why I dislike Adobe. They've done what MS did with Office... killed the competition and then used their resulting position of power to exploit their customers.



macrumors 68040
Oct 19, 2004
Calgary, AB
They have a product release schedule, and I am sure that they are thinking about that more than the needs of intel Mac users right now.

I dunno, I still can't help but feel they snubbed their core user base a little bit. Granted it is possible that their core user base is windows users now (I'm too lazy to find data on this).


macrumors 68030
Sep 20, 2005
New Jersey
Please let this be true! I, like many other Mac users, have been waiting for CS3 for a long time. I'm still a PPC user, but a free beta wouldn't hurt. :)


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2003
So this gives them what another 6 months of screwing around before we can get something solid? If they do release a Beta it's probably just to keep the crowd banging at Adobe's door at bay for a while.

And to think when Steve announced the Intel Macs Adobe asked what took so long. :rolleyes:

Laughing as I picture angry villagers with pitch forks and torches.


macrumors regular
Jan 10, 2006
(Aside from the other arguments in this thread) this is exactly why I dislike Adobe. They've done what MS did with Office... killed the competition and then used their resulting position of power to exploit their customers.


I am not condoning their position, on the other side how many CS1 & CS2 users actually have a fully legit copy?
I think that the delay in coming to the market with CS3 is probably due to sorting out Vista rather than UB.
It would be very interesting if they Beta CS3 as they have done with Lightroom, which has made big changes from the beta 1 version.:rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Oct 4, 2006
Porto, Portugal
If they come up with a CS3 Beta I'll be very happy until the final release. The thing is, I just can't work with Photoshop CS2 under Rosetta, it's always giving me strange errors and has abnormal behaviours all the time, I don't know if it's just my case but I downloaded the latest CS2 Trial from and it's very buggy in my 24" iMac, impossible to work with at all, even for web-based graphics (72 dpi's, small images).
When I need PS I just click the little Parallels icon and I work in Windoze :) seems to be the better answer at this point.. I can only dream of a beta coming really soon and it wouldn't be as good as the final CS3, but it would be enough for me right now, I really hate working in Windows :eek:


macrumors 6502a
Nov 10, 2006
Now ThinkSecret has picked up on this too. Seems like it's gonna happen folks...


macrumors P6
Feb 8, 2003
The Peninsula
;) of course, since most XP apps run fine on Vista

they both work on RC2 of Vista...
Most XP apps simply work on Vista. Of the apps that need special versions for Vista, most of the time it's because they have a driver or kernel component that conflicts with some of the new security features in Vista.

There is no "Vista Version" of QuickTime - the standard kit runs on Vista.

Vista also has many new features and APIs, and programs will need to updated to exploit the new features - but that's very different from thinking that everything has to be re-purchased for Vista.

But, of course, many applications will come out with new "Vista" versions alongside the January release, and the ads will fail to mention that the old version will run same as before on Vista ;) (Just like the computer stores will advertise new "Vista ready" computers, and not mention that your old computer probably would do fine with just a memory upgrade!)


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
It's a shame that they won't be opening this to CS1 users, many of which I'm sure are interested in this upgrade.

If you are a CS1 user then for $165 you can be a CS2 user. The upgrade is not that expensive I have an even earlier version of PS that I have not wanted to upgrade, waiting for the UB version to come out before I upgrade.


macrumors G5
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
I was about to buy CS 2... now this gives me pause. If Adobe is this close, maybe I shouldn't spend a lot on CS 2 now and then just have to upgrade in a few months. :-/


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
This is a beta release. The purpose of this is so that Adobe can get some feed back from people who would actually use CS3. They don't need to hand out a million copies if only a few thousand people will actually use it. So how best could they find a group of real users? It's hard but registered CS2 users is about as good of a group as I can think of.

If they open it up to everyone then they will see many downloads, lots of installation support issues and not much active use


macrumors 68040
Aug 11, 2005
Behind the lens
Do you think adobe will add Flash integration to its design titles:

Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign?

Why buy macromedia and not make the "Creative Suite" a FULL creative suite of tools?


macrumors 603
Did we know about the intel transition by then?

I guess Adobe feel that they should reward the loyal that upgraded to CS2.

The purpose of a public beta is to get bug reports, not to provide early functionality to desirous users. CS3 is an upgrade from CS2 where the features are far more similar than to CS1 (of course).

It makes sense they want to get feedback from the "leading edge users" as it is those users who needed CS2 functionalities and features over CS1, and who demanded the new features added to CS3.

It is those new features by the users who demanded them that need to be ironed out before a full release.

Once you realize this reality it all makes perfect sense.



macrumors 6502
Jul 23, 2002
Finally something positive coming from Adobe.
The last few versions of PS / CS without public beta and dumbed down new features geared for the amateur have been painful. Hopefully this new version has significant upgrades for the professional users and not just a bunch of bells and whistles. Hopefully they do away with there windblows like registration and keycode nonsense!

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
I wonder if this will only be open to people with the full CS2 suite, or if it'll be available to those of us who have one or two CS2 products - I've got InDesign CS2, but my Photoshop is still version 7.

I'm a little concerned about the timing. Adobe doesn't have a history of public betas; they obviously released Lightroom as one because they didn't want to lose the entire market during the year+ they knew they were away from a release. If this rumor is true, it makes me think they're still a significant way from being able to release, and are just trying to quiet the hordes. Although now that they own Macromedia they could pretty much tell us to stuff it if they felt so inclined...
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