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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 18, 2002
I'm purchasing a new cell phone this month when I switch carriers (from at&t to Verizon). I'm looking for websites where I can find reviews for Verizon's current offerings.


macrumors 6502a
May 17, 2004
Go to the cell phones section at for detailed reviews.

I also use Verizon Wireless, and I reccommend the Samsung SCH-A670. The Motorola 710 looks good on the websites but it enormous in reality, and the LG-U3000 is an old phone and LG's new phones are ****. That's basically why I got the SCH-A670. It's relatively new, released in late June.


macrumors 6502
Dec 10, 2003
yeah, Cnet should break it down by provider.

Gizmodo is good for all the latest cool phones coming out, but sometimes the phones may not show up here for months (or ever).


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
macLC40 said:

Oooh, that's the name I was looking for. Howard's Forums and Phonescoop are the places to go for mobile phone info. They're the MacRumors of the mobile phone world, and are very passionate about their mobile phones.

Howard's Forums break everything down by all mobile providers in North America and Europe. Amazing. And since they have forums for each provider by continent, you'll find quite a few local users. Well, I did. From the services, you can generally just go through the threads and know which phones are the best for which service. :)


macrumors regular
Aug 17, 2004
Kansas City
I have the Motorola V600 through T-Mobile and it is probably the best phone that I have ever owned. Bluetooth is such a great function and when I get my PB it will be an even bigger function. Using wireless internet with my Pocket PC through the V600 is great.


macrumors member
Jun 14, 2004
I bought a SonyEricsson K700 a few months ago - don't know if it's available in the US yet though... (the sonyericsson webiste seems to think not). I've found it to be a fantastic phone - tons of memory, decent camera - radio (never used) bluetooth and syncs properly with my Mac.


macrumors 6502
Jun 21, 2004
kronos2611 said:
I bought a SonyEricsson K700 a few months ago - don't know if it's available in the US yet though... (the sonyericsson webiste seems to think not). I've found it to be a fantastic phone - tons of memory, decent camera - radio (never used) bluetooth and syncs properly with my Mac.

I second that. It's supposed to be the competitor, pricewise, to the nokia 6230, which is the one that's shaped like a coffin. IMHO, the K700(i) has a much better bang-for-the-buck value. Better and larger display, more memory, better camera, nicer design. The only downside is that it hasn't got memory expansion capabilities (SD cards or whatever they're called).

It's a great phone and I really recommend it if it's in your price-range. And it's Mac friendly! Did I mention that it plays MP3's ???


macrumors 6502a
Jan 5, 2001
NYC + Madison, WI
I certainly second the Phone Scoop recommendation. You might also try Mobile Tracker:

I think you'll find Verizon's current offerings to lack a bit of the wow-factor that you'll get with Cingular or AT&T. I've currently got the Moto V710, which while it's kind of cool, Verizon's crippled bluetooth STINKS.


macrumors member
Jun 14, 2004
MacNeXT said:
I second that. It's supposed to be the competitor, pricewise, to the nokia 6230, which is the one that's shaped like a coffin. IMHO, the K700(i) has a much better bang-for-the-buck value. Better and larger display, more memory, better camera, nicer design. The only downside is that it hasn't got memory expansion capabilities (SD cards or whatever they're called).

It's a great phone and I really recommend it if it's in your price-range. And it's Mac friendly! Did I mention that it plays MP3's ???
Is it possible for me to third that? In that case, I do. :cool:

Absolutely love my K700, and although I'm not sure I've gotten the full $388 dollars I paid for it out of it yet, I'm willing to shrug the price off as a joyful techno-gadget, once-in-a-lifetime indescretion buy.

Love the design, get tons of comments about the cool display, the camera's just cool, being able to have an MP3 of the Beatles' "Twist and Shout" as a ringtone is just grooviness, and it really is just a pleasure to use. I do have a few bit of qualms with syncing -- namely, any actual addresses won't carry over when you sync, just phone numbers -- but those are more firmware/iSync issues.

Great phone to have! I'd recommend it. (Mind you, it won't work with Verizon though. It's a GSM phone only -- with CDMA, you'll have to buy a phone directly from Verizon, so your options are rather limited.)


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 18, 2002
I guess i should say that I'd like to keep the price tag under $200, and I'm really only interested in phones that will work with verizon's service. I've had trouble with reception here (northeast PA)and customer service with at&t. I'm open to reviews from individuals also, and not just review websites.

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