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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 20, 2004
Canada, GMA
I have a 7 years old Pro Monitor that has 5BNC, the workstation standard.

my question is, the saturation of it and the sharpness are going south.

Will a VGA (Video Card plug) to 5BNC (monitor) save it or the it already hit its lifespan?


macrumors regular
Sep 5, 2004
I think its probibly lifespan, its 7 years old... I got monitors and stuff used for video production that start to look bad after 3-4 years (but we move them alot)... it also depends on the hours; my desktop lcd here runs 16 hours or so in a day (provides slideshow pictures or tv when idle) and im suprised it hasnt gone south yet after 3 years.


macrumors G5
Q: About 5BNC vs. VGA

Don't give up on the monitor until you have taken it to a competent TV repair shop that knows monitors as well. For $30 to $50 they can sharpen and focus the monitor to the limit of its tube condition, and estimate any repairs and lifespan remaining. Granted, a tube will fade irrevocably after a number of years but I have taken many un-viewable monitors for the tune-up with an 80% success rate. Much cheaper than replacing and if it keeps it out of the landfill, so much the better.

(Note: Don't take the hood off a monitor and start poking around inside unless you are conversant with high voltage safety precautions or have a paid up life insurance policy. Those puppies have enough juice to stun a horse in them even when unplugged.)


macrumors 6502
Jul 29, 2004
CanadaRAM said:
(Note: Don't take the hood off a monitor and start poking around inside unless you are conversant with high voltage safety precautions or have a paid up life insurance policy. Those puppies have enough juice to stun a horse in them even when unplugged.)

Very good, sound advice. That being said I have salvaged many a discarded monitor doing little more than a degauss and adjusting the flyback transformer(the dangerous part.) I have heard that there is enough "zap" inside to send a man clear across the room. :eek:
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