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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 27, 2020
I really want to jailbreak my new iPhone XS Max I got yesterday, when I set it up it came with ios 13.5.1 and that can't be jailbroken on the iPhone XS Max. I still have my old iPhone 7 with ios 13.5 that can be jailbroken, if I factory reset my iPhone XS Max and then transfer all the data from my iPhone 7 will I get the iPhone 7's ios version?


macrumors 68000
Apr 21, 2007
No, it doesn't work that way. The backups do not include the iOS version when they are transferred from one device to another. The iPhone XS Max cannot be downgraded from iOS 13.5.1 since Apple is not signing iOS 13.5 anymore for any device.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
I really want to jailbreak my new iPhone XS Max I got yesterday, when I set it up it came with ios 13.5.1 and that can't be jailbroken on the iPhone XS Max. I still have my old iPhone 7 with ios 13.5 that can be jailbroken, if I factory reset my iPhone XS Max and then transfer all the data from my iPhone 7 will I get the iPhone 7's ios version?
To add to @MacManiac76's explanation, iOS has a system partition and a user partition. The system partition stores iOS and is what the device references when you do a restore. It's invisible to you when you aren't jailbroken.

The user (you) operates from the user partition. That stores your data and your settings. Thus, as MacManiac76 mentioned, when you back up, all you're doing is backing up your data.

The two are completely separate.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 27, 2020
Well then I will need to wait for a jailbreak for the 13.5.1 version :), thanks btw!
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