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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 22, 2005
Hey, guys.
I currently have 1.5 ghz powerbook with 512 ram. (15", recently upgraded )
here is my question.
when i am editing, i want to use real-time so i can save up some time going through rendering every single clip i redress. so obviously, i can't do that right now because system is just not so sufficient for it.
so, if i up the ram to 2 GB at MAX, would i be able to do those fine?

And, can you guys also tell me what would be other significant benefit for video editing by upping the ram?? is it just the rendering? would the upgrade be significant difference?

thank you

John :D


macrumors G3
Jan 11, 2002
Los Angeles
Upping the RAM would certainly help your overall system performance, but I don't think it would increase your RT ability. Real Time is basically tied to your CPU (and in come cases GPU).



macrumors 68030
Apr 16, 2005
Mt. Prospect, Illinois
just about any form of video editing needs a good processor, even if you dump 2 gigs of ram into it, it won't improve that much...It's only animation/graphics stuff that requires loads of ram, video editing-good processor or even dual processors...
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