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Purdue CS

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 29, 2000
im finally fed up with the uselessness of ordinary quicktime and i have decided to let go of 30 dollars to get the pro version. my serious worry is this.

wont there be a quicktime update soon ? like a 5.5 or 6.0 ? (i dont think apple has ever released a .5 of quicktime - it has been full version jumps...)

does anyone have any ideas ? coz i dont want t opay 30 dollars then hear about apple making pro guys pay again for the quicktime 6.0 fee!!

any ideas i ask again...


macrumors newbie
Nov 9, 2001
No big deal

I bought a long time ago a quicktime 3 licenze. It worked also to all updates still until QT5 came out. So i guess you just have to buy one day a new one. But that can be version 6,7,8.... how knows. But you might want to check out some SS Archives.:)) for serials


macrumors regular
Jun 15, 2001
Marion, Ohio
Ahhhh...the joys of a OS 7.6 CD with MoviePlayer . Movieplayer allowed you to export/inport in different formats basically what the Pro version does now. And every time I update quicktime, it doesn't mess with movieplayer yet it keeps adding the new formats for movieplayer to use. This is a lesson why we should always keep older versions of software. When they decide to charge you extra for a feature, you just dive back into your archieves.


macrumors member
Jul 17, 2001
Brussels (Belgium)
Originally posted by KingArthur
Ahhhh...the joys of a OS 7.6 CD with MoviePlayer . Movieplayer allowed you to export/inport in different formats basically what the Pro version does now. And every time I update quicktime, it doesn't mess with movieplayer yet it keeps adding the new formats for movieplayer to use. This is a lesson why we should always keep older versions of software. When they decide to charge you extra for a feature, you just dive back into your archieves.

You can also view movies in full screen! I also use MoviePlayer very often.


macrumors regular
Sep 3, 2001
Purdue CS my ass ur sick of regular quicktime u just wanna see the star wars trailer at full size

Ensign Paris

macrumors 68000
Nov 4, 2001

Apple haven't dispatched betas to us tester people so I dont think its a problem

If you want I will E-mail u the full size tralier, E-mail me:



macrumors member
Oct 30, 2001
You want quictime license? just get the hacked ones much cheaper and if you get the app called (like say it here email me if you wan't to know where to get it) then you'd have a lecense for almost every version of every shareware app and game around even all of ambrosia's stuff too.

Yeah it may be wrong but it sure saves alot of money, before I knew of it I payed for the ambrosia game EV, what a waste of money that was...


macrumors member
Oct 30, 2001
Sounds cool, though it will take ages for it to come out here, where do I get the trailer, have it? I am getting cable soon so I will get it then. How come I have not heard of it, this country must be so off world right now...

Australia is crap to far away from everything especially where I live in WA also the laws are crap you can't even have a pellet gun anymore but you only have to be 12 to have a spear gun! also you go to jail longer if you walk in a park with a spear gun than manslaughter it is totaly wierd.


macrumors member
Oct 30, 2001
Yeah, it does not hack sftware instead it reads a file of heaps of licenses that other people have cracked for you. Their is one for osx to so that is cool it is nice to see the mac crackers are up to date in their programing skills.

What email do I send it to or ICQ # (i'll send the website where you download it from)

Or when I get home I'll post the address in here, though the admins wont like that and all the software companies that read this won't either so I better not.
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