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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 31, 2017

I have an iPhone 7 currently on 10.3.3.

I have encountered 4 random reboots to date, the first happened about two months ago, the phone was laying on my desk when suddenly screen turned on and rebooted.

Second time was two weeks ago when I woke up and found it requiring by passcode because of a restart.

Third time and fourth time was yesterday and today respectively, one when I was holding the phone and I was on the homescreen, and the other the phone was laying down my desk with screen off.

In the Analytics there is a panic-full log for each restart, so it's clearly a kernel panic. I can't interpret the kernel panic log and I wish someone here may be able to understand it and points out where may the error be.

It is worth mentioning that the phone performance, temperature, and battery life is perfectly normal.

I currently have the 3 recent panic logs:

First panic-log:

Second panic-log:

Third panic-log:


Phone randomly rebooted four times to date even when I'm not using it and screen turned off, panic full logs found in logs, I'm trying to figure out from the logs what maybe wrong with the phone.


macrumors 604
Aug 19, 2017
Well if it’s software related your screwed because I’m sure you don’t want to lose 10.3.3 and if you restore using iTunes and setup as new you’ll get 11.2.1. You could take it to Apple and have them check the hardware for issues.. If they find nothing, the first thing they’ll tell you to do is a clean install of the OS
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