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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 29, 2005
Hi new here....but im eager to get my hands on an apple....Just had a few questions....first off i love mac...but right now i am runnin windows xp pro on a dell inspiron 600m, and its 3 years old. Its time to get a new computer. Mac has held my eye for a long time now, and i really want to get one......but what i would like to know first, is what will happen once they switch to intel chips? will that make it so that i would run OSX on an PC? since its intel based?.....also....does anyone know if, or when they will begin to use the new intel chip (nyhon or something) after it comes out in January....and i guess the last question would be....When will they come out with a new powerbook......the g4 has been out for a while, and g5 just seems like the next step? do you know if they will comeout with that soon? and wiill the g5 have intel, chips in them? looking to get something by christmas, but if Apple is planing on releasing some nice new comps begining of 06, then i might wait. Please let me know...thanks

P.S. i posted this in the discussion, but i think that was the wrong place. if an admin would like to delete it..that would be great!


macrumors 604
Jan 20, 2005
No one really knows... that's why we are all here, discussing it. :p

Apple is notoriously secretive. If you need a new Apple laptop, now is as good as any time to get one. But since MWSF is just around the corner, I'd suggest you wait until then.

The whole PPC to x86 transition will be painless to the end user, so you have nothing to worry about.

Here's to the Crazy Ones


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 29, 2005
ya i was thinking on waiting since i really want and apple...but do u have any idea if when they make the switch they will be putting in the new intel chips?.....kuz if OSX is still able to run on all PC's after the intel switch, i still would like to get the apple, just for the hardware


macrumors G5
Jul 4, 2005
speedemonV12 said:
Hi new here....but im eager to get my hands on an apple....Just had a few questions....first off i love mac...but right now i am runnin windows xp pro on a dell inspiron 600m, and its 3 years old. Its time to get a new computer. Mac has held my eye for a long time now, and i really want to get one......but what i would like to know first, is what will happen once they switch to intel chips? will that make it so that i would run OSX on an PC? since its intel based?.....also....does anyone know if, or when they will begin to use the new intel chip (nyhon or something) after it comes out in January....and i guess the last question would be....When will they come out with a new powerbook......the g4 has been out for a while, and g5 just seems like the next step? do you know if they will comeout with that soon? and wiill the g5 have intel, chips in them? looking to get something by christmas, but if Apple is planing on releasing some nice new comps begining of 06, then i might wait. Please let me know...thanks

P.S. i posted this in the discussion, but i think that was the wrong place. if an admin would like to delete it..that would be great!

OK, quick word of advice before I try to answer anything, your posts and questions will be much easier for us to understand if you use sentences and paragraphs to break down your queries into more clearly delineated segments. This way we can easily get the gist of your questions and deal with them one at a time so that it is easier for you to get the answers you want.

So here goes:

1. When Apple switch to Intel chips there will be very little visible change (unless they change how the computers themselves actually look). There should be a dramatic increase in raw grunt for the portable line and a healthy boost for the desktops. At the time of launch all Apple's software should run and hopefully there will be a good deal of third party apps running natively on the Intel architecture. For those apps that aren't yet compiled for Intel and PPC they will run in emulation on the Intel based Mac.

2. OS X will not run on any other hardware besides an Apple Macintosh. Currently there are builds of 10.4 doing the rounds on generic x86 based PC's but by the time the Intel Macs come out they will be utilising some sort of hardware security device that must be present for the OS to run.

3. There is no information as to when Apple will be switching to Intel, all we know is that the change over will begin before June 06. Nobody knows what chips Apple will be using yet although educated guesses place the Yonah and subsequently the Merom chips inside the portables and the new desktop chips NOT based on netburst inside the desktops, although this will most likely occur later in the timeline.

4. A new PowerBook will, in my opinion, arrive when they switch to Intel. Nobody but Steve and the management team at Apple know when this is.

5. You must understand that G3, G4 and G5 are names Apple has given to the generations of PowerPC chips used in the Mac. The new PowerBook could not be called a G5 and be based on Intel chips, the G5 moniker is reserved for the IBM 970 chip used in single-core form in the iMac and dual-core form in the PowerMac. A G5 based PowerBook is treated as a mythological creature on these boards and questions about it's existence are treated most commonly with disdain.

6. Apple has completed it's product updates for 2005, the next round of updates will most likely come at MacWorld San Francisco in mid-January. This is the largest Mac related gathering of the year and has traditionally been used by Apple to launch new software and hardware and to announce updates to current models. Apple is possibly the most secretive computer company in the world - it's why there are so many of these rumour sites - so anything we say or predict is usually based on a good deal of crystal ball gazing with a bit of cyber voodoo thrown into the mix.

As for purchasing this year, I'd say go for it. The PowerBook was recently updated (in the 15" and 17" widescreen form - the 12" was left alone, I think this is because Apple will be discontinuing it or replacing it with a new 13" widescreen model next year) to what I believe is it's last incarnation in PowerPC form.

The iBook may be coming up for review soon however it still represents great value and they are remarkable machines to use.

The iMac was updated into probably the best value computer Apple makes and of course the PowerMac regained it's Power with a move to dual-core G5 processors and PCIe architecture.

As for the Mac mini well, look at the front page, something is happening with it soon but if you need one, they are a great little cheap desktop Mac.

Welcome to the forums and I hope I was able to answer some of your questions.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 29, 2005
WoW! Thats all that i have to say. Thanks a lot for that info. It will help me a ton on making my descision. The only problem that I have is that I was planing on getting the 12". The 15" is really nice, but 2 grand?!? Thats more than I have :( And plus, if you think they might discontinue the 12, and go to a 13, i would not want to get the 12 right away. Even though i really want to lol. What do you think. Based on what has been said, and what apple looks like it will be planning for 06, I think i might wait at least until the MacWorld San Francisco in mid-January, and see what they are planing, and if they release any dates. What do you think ?


macrumors G5
Jul 4, 2005
speedemonV12 said:
WoW! Thats all that i have to say. Thanks a lot for that info. It will help me a ton on making my descision. The only problem that I have is that I was planing on getting the 12". The 15" is really nice, but 2 grand?!? Thats more than I have :( And plus, if you think they might discontinue the 12, and go to a 13, i would not want to get the 12 right away. Even though i really want to lol. What do you think. Based on what has been said, and what apple looks like it will be planning for 06, I think i might wait at least until the MacWorld San Francisco in mid-January, and see what they are planing, and if they release any dates. What do you think ?

Well, I didn't say the 12" was a bad machine, it's just been left behind in the updates of late, the iBook can sport more RAM and aside from the ability to use a second monitor in span mode (which the iBook can do with the appropriate hack applied) there really is not a great difference between the iBook and the 12" PowerBook. The 12" PB gets you a slightly faster hard drive, a slightly faster processor and more video card but costs a good deal more than the iBook. On the other hand, it's a PowerBook and they are *scottish accent* Dead Sexy *end scottish accent*. You can also get a DVD burner in the 12" PowerBook but not in the 12" iBook.

So if you are keen to buy, do it. Yes, they will eventually release something new and different but how is that different to anything else in the world. Personally, if you can wait till the end of January, I'd do it. MWSF will have seen off the big announcements and anything relating to the PowerBook will probably be doing the rounds here. This year's major (across all sizes) PB update occurred two weeks after MWSF at the end of January. With the PB's being so recently updated I don't see much happening until they go Intel, but with Apple, you never ever really know.

Just remember, if you wait, and nothing comes, will you wait some more? And then some more? There are people here who have been waiting for their perfect machine to come along for years. I'd just buy the damn thing and get some good use out of it. An update isn't going to make the superseded machine suddenly horrible to use. Buy, get your money's worth of use out of it and then save up for a replacement further down the track, you can always add RAM for an instant speed boost and new OS releases seem to be getting faster and faster.

I bought my iBook in November last year and it was ages before they updated it properly, it's still a fantastic machine, I bumped the RAM from 256 to 512 MB a few months ago and I'll take it all the way to 1.25GB when Leopard arrives. Then it will keep me company until I can afford a 2nd or even 3rd rev Intel PowerBook with a nice smattering of BTO upgrades to make it really sing. Then the iBook will become my secondary loungeroom computer.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 29, 2005
Okay thanks a lot. I think that i will wait until end of January just to see what is coming up. Ill also talk it over with "Me Pap's" and see what he thinks (hes pretty computer savy) So anyway thanks for all the help!

Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Jul 4, 2004
Lacero said:
The whole PPC to x86 transition will be painless to the end user, so you have nothing to worry about.

Permission to quote you on that in 12 months time? May just use it in my sig.


macrumors 604
Jan 20, 2005
Blue Velvet said:
Permission to quote you on that in 12 months time? May just use it in my sig.
BV, I would be an honored! :D

Here's to the Crazy Ones
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