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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 9, 2019
I have a feeling this might be a connectivity issue with the area I am in, but was curious if anyone else has experienced something like this.

What happened the other day was my phone lit up and I got notifications from all sorts of apps all at once. However, the notifications said that the message was received /30/40/50m ago, instead of "now."

So to, hopefully, better illustrate the scenario:

Person sends an: iMessage at 530, Snapchat at 540, Discord DM at 550.

At 620, my phone lit up with all 3 of the notifications, but said: iMessage 50m ago, Snapchat 40m ago, and Discord DM 30m ago.

So it seems like my phone was actually able to receive those notifications at 620, but noticed the timestamp in which they were sent, and displayed that.

Again, was just seeing if anyone else has had this happen to them? And what might have caused the issue.
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