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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 13, 2006
I have been trying to use my iPad during meetings instead of writing notes in a notepad. Up to this point I have been using the standard notes app provided by Apple but I am really missing a program like Microsoft's OneNote which has a great feature that allows you to handwrite/draw (with a tablet pc) or type using the keyboard all in the same document. This always came in real handy when I needed to draw something that a presenter was drawing on the whiteboard. Apple's notes app only supports typing; has anyone found a better app for taking notes during meetings?


macrumors regular
Oct 9, 2009

I have tried a few and have stuck on WhiteNote. It let's you create tabs (used like folders) and even let's you draw. I cannot comment on it's drawing capability as I don't use that function, but for note taking during meetings it is working for me.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 28, 2008
I am thinking of trying evernote when I get my iPad.

How are you entering your notes? I thinking of trying to type onehanded without looking so I can focus on the meeting/people but still write some notes - like i would with a notepad.


macrumors regular
Oct 9, 2009
I am thinking of trying evernote when I get my iPad.

How are you entering your notes? I thinking of trying to type onehanded without looking so I can focus on the meeting/people but still write some notes - like i would with a notepad.

There is no way I could type on the pad without looking. You may have better luck than me as I a m not the best typer on a normal keyboard. The problem for me is there is no way to find the home row. Having said that thigh I still do ok, I just look down real quick and type what I need.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 24, 2009
Sundry notes has been really good to me. I think that if you had to use it for a really long time though it'd get a little difficult to use. Also unless you're very close to whoever is talking, the microphone doesn't work that well.
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