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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 29, 2021
Recover lost photos due to format - iOS 14

Anyone can help to recover lost photos because iPhone got stuck on updates and was forced to reset. I dont have iTunes or icloud backup of the photos. Old iOS was 13 and it got formatted and upgraded to iOS 14. Any suggestion or help please

Have tried many recovery software's but non of them seems to find any old photos. ( It can only recover newly captured and deleted photos, on iOS 14 )
Tried most of the iPhone Data Recovery Software's available on websites....
Can someone guide me, whether its impossible to recover old photos by Data recovery softwares? Or is there any other paid solutions which i can opt for ?


macrumors 603
Apr 13, 2010
Bedfordshire, UK
You may be able to get the phone sent away and data recovery experts may be able to retrieve them, but as the device has been wiped/formatted I'd say they are gone.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 29, 2021
You may be able to get the phone sent away and data recovery experts may be able to retrieve them, but as the device has been wiped/formatted I'd say they are gone.
Thanks Steve .... but would like to know if any expert out there who can retrieve it anyways


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
If there are any paid options, it's likely to be forensics and therefore expensive.

The main issue here is that your data is encrypted. Every time you restore a new encryption key is created. Even if the data can be found after a wipe (which a restore does) it's going to be encrypted and your device no longer has the key to decrypt it.

Which comes down to forensics.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Everyone has to lose something at least once before they actually understand that backups matter.
Multiple backups in multiple places, with a plan to remove and secure (in various safe places) items that are important, so even were all your backups to fail, the important stuff still exists.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 15, 2011
Everyone has to lose something at least once before they actually understand that backups matter.
Ain't that the truth. I learned the hard way myself.

Tech rule #1.
If it’s not backed up it doesn’t exist.
Tech rule #2
If there's only one backup, it's not actually backed up.

I have irreplaceable data (primarily family photos and videos) on five separate storage locations, two of which are cloud-based, and one of those cloud providers offers a delete/edit history for a few months. I may be extra paranoid, but at least I know I probably won't lose any of that data. Even if I accidentally delete something and it syncs automatically across all those copies before I notice, I can still dig it out of the delete history.
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