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macrumors G4
Original poster
Jul 18, 2002
I accidentally my whole location.
It was first mentioned on MR here but the MPEG LA, the main liscensing board for all the MPEG formats, has been giving it a helluva lot of attention recently and has asked companies to submit for consideration by Friday any patents they believe cover the new format.

An international standards team is close to approving a new compression format for digital video, promising improvements as well as a few uncertainties for emerging multimedia technology.

Known as H.264, among other designations, the new format is turning heads over claims that it can deliver DVD-quality broadcasts over the Internet using considerably fewer network resources than rivals.

This is very good, especially since Microsoft's new WMV9 format is the de facto standard now for compresion codecs, like it or not.
It has attracted a lot of attention in the home theatre department because of that.




macrumors 68000
Feb 3, 2002
wait, so microsofts media compression is
going to possibly have some competition with
H.264? Even though microsoft is making
progress in japan?

ok i got it.....god apple is really up against
a giant beast (well, im just saying beast...
cause im an apple fan. who know's maybe
we will all end up using them one day....shudder)
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