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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 29, 2016
So about a year ago(don’t quote me on this), I believe with iOS 12, Reminders app was synced to iCloud or whatever happened and the app became super slow for people who have daily reminders and that means 1000s of completed reminders. I have been having around 5-7 daily reminders for years and I use Siri every single time for creating reminders. I got to a situation where Siri on the fastest internet takes 5-10 seconds to create the reminder. I then figured out that after the iOS update, Reminders app became super slow and it is because of the 1000s of completed reminders.

Around half a year back, the suggestion was to create a new reminders folder and re created new reminders and delete the old folder. Although it was a big pain, I spent the time to recreate all my reminders and now, I am back to the slow slate again. Even my 2020 iPP takes around 5 seconds to create reminders.

So basically 3 questions.
1. Is there a way to clear/delete the old completed reminders?
2. Is there any other hack to improve the performance of the app? I believe I am not the only person on this boat
3. Is there any other good alternatives(one time paid app is fine) for Reminders app? I definitely need to be able to create reminders through Siri.

PS: Forgive me if this question has been asked before.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 29, 2016
That shortcut doesn’t seem to work too well when you have 7700+ completed reminders.

I had close to thousand and the shortcut took time to clear them. How is your Reminders app alive with 7700+ closed reminders lol?


macrumors 68020
Jun 14, 2009
I had a few hundred and that shortcut ran quickly. The only other way I know how to clear out many completed reminders is using the reminders app on MacOS by highlighting them all and delete.


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland
I thought I'd see what you can do with Reminders at the iCloud web site and if you expose the completed reminders for a list a "Clear Completed" link appears. However, when I tried it on one list I started getting server error popups for 200 reminders, one at a time!


macrumors regular
Jun 11, 2014
I updated to MacOS 10.15.6 yesterday. Reminders is at Version 7.0 (2081.2) in 10.15.6
Today I see that if I highlight a group of completed entries and right click, there is a delete option. It seems to work just fine and is quick.
I can't remember if this is new in 10.15.6 or not.
I seems to have synced to my iPhone properly. i.e., the completed items aren't on my iPhone anymore.
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