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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 12, 2014
How does one remove apps from the home screen on Apple TV? I figured out how to get rid of the third party stuff, but how do you get rid of the Apple stuff? Stuff like podcasts, itunes movies and tv shows, and photos? I don't use any of these and would prefer to not have them cluttering my home screen.

My bandaid solution was to create a folder called "Apple Crap" and put everything I don't use in that folder. This significantly reduces the amount of clutter on my home screen, but is not an ideal solution.

My preference is to have only the stuff I use on the home screen. Is there any way to do that?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 12, 2014
You can’t delete  apps.

Thanks. That's what I figured, but I was clinging to the hope that maybe I was just too stupid to be able to figure it out. Oh well, hopes dashed and Apple Crap folder it is for this cruft.
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