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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 8, 2008
I put my MacBook Pro M1 into repair on the 3rd January at Sydney Apple Store due to the keyboard failing. Was told it would be completed by the 11th January (simple top section replacement) so I figured it was worth doing so I could have it for the rest of my stay in Aus until the end of the month. However due to a part being ordered I’m still waiting to get it back. The only issue is that I head back to the UK on the 1st February, so I’m a little concerned that it will still be in for repair when I leave. Contacting Apple Support gets me nowhere as they just reference back to the tracker, which isn’t very useful.

Does anyone know if there’s a way to get things moving or am I at the mercy of the repair tracker?!


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
hmm.... Go the Sydney Apple Store, and explain that you are leaving the country, and you would like to take the laptop when you leave, repaired, or not.
If they don't have the part, they can't repair your MBPro. It doesn't matter if the repair is simple, nothing happens without the part.
Or, give the store good shipping instructions to your home in UK.
I imagine that you might get to pay in advance for that shipping, if that is an option.


macrumors 603
Sep 8, 2011
You can likely cancel the repair if it’s getting close to your departure date. I would work that out with the store NOW, not on say Jan 28th ;) agree that if it’s not done by whatever date, they’ll get the un-repaired Mac back to you & you can handle it when you get home.
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