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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 18, 2007
New York City
The store opened late (at 10am). The line was formed in a hot passage next to the tracks. At least 70% of the people waiting seemed to be scalpers. Very pushy, trying to cut the line (it happened three times behind me).

White models were non-existent. They don't even have one on display.

The staff was great, very patient and competent.

16Gb were out in a minute.

I was able to get a 32Gb in black. Very cute, very light. Screen is obviously a step back from retina, but it is not as shocking as I thought it was going to be. The trade off seems to work.

I wouldn't recommend to go to Grand Central to my fellow New Yorkers. They are probably out of minis by now (unless they are receiving shipments constantly).

Enjoy your minis (and 4 Gen)
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