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Original poster
Staff member
Feb 1, 2005
Twin Cities Minnesota
This topic may have come up in the past, however my search of the Feedback Forum didn't turn up anything on it.

I was wondering if we could have a forum, or dedicated place were we can test vB code?

I have often found myself wanting to use some of the VB Code features when posting a reply to help someone with a question. In most cases, that is not a good time to try out features of the vB code that is enabled on this site. While I have learned some of the code by trial and error, I don't like doing this in general threads as it can be precieved as SPAM, or other such traffic.

This would also be a good place for new members, or even existing posters to learn how to do things like

  • Making lists
  • posting links or images
  • Linking to the iTunes music store
  • learn fonts and colors
  • Merging their own posts, or learning quotes
  • many more.....

Is there any chance for us to have a testing forum added ? This forum would obviously not count for your post total, and I think it would be a great addition to help people learn the proper ways of using these tools.

Thoughts? Suggestions ?

Thanks for your time!



macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
vniow said:
Woah, there's some cool stuff in there.

Yeah, I bookmarked it a long time ago and never did anything with it. This thread jogged my memory.

Let's use this threads to test stuff out.


Original poster
Staff member
Feb 1, 2005
Twin Cities Minnesota
vniow said:
Or they could make this section open and visible again.

It appears they did have one at some time :) .

Doctor Q said:
Why isn't using the "Preview Post" feature (and not submitting the actual post) good enough?

I actually use that feature quite a bit (obviously not when I started this thread though :eek: ), however I tend not to use tag heavy posts in active threads, usually only when I start a new one. Getting some practice in a place that it is okay to do those kinds of posts would be less stressful.

Testing forums also tend to be great places for people to practice, edit, and refine their signatures before posting them for everyone to see.

rdowns said:

Indeed, it is bookmarked actually. The only problem is, some of those tags can be complicated to use, especially when you are attempting to use a combination of them. I am one of the types of people who learns well not by reading, but by implementing.


I was just seeing if there was a chance for setting up a forum for doing vB code testing, for trial and error before attempting to use it mainstream. If it is not a good fit for Macrumors no big deal. :)

I was just seeing if anyone else shared that thought opinion, but it appears that isn't the case. :)


macrumors 603
Dec 19, 2002
It is possible to start a reply to a thread or a new thread itself, and just keep previewing it and never post it...if you want to try out some crazy shwee.

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
I use the Preview feature to test post syntax myself. If you accidentally submit it, just report a nearby post to the moderators and ask that your post be deleted. But try not to do that very often.

If it has embarrassing content, you can edit the post and change it to, say, a single period, so there will be nothing to gawk at even before the moderators get to it.

Then again, I can't think of a good reason to practice posting embarrassing content!


Staff member
Jan 20, 2005
Doctor Q said:
Then again, I can't think of a good reason to practice posting embarrassing content!

A lot of the folks around here don't bother with the practice part of it...they just go ahead and post the embarrassing stuff.

And I applaud them.


Moderator emeritus
Jun 15, 2000
Doctor Q said:
Why isn't using the "Preview Post" feature (and not submitting the actual post) good enough?

This is what I do, seems to work fine for me.
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