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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 7, 2004
south africa
My ibook g4 (os x 10.3.7) is having some sleep issues - mainly, I will close the lid to put it to sleep, and then upon opening the lid, (even after just 1 minute of sleep time), it will not wake up, and it will not respond to me pushing the power button, and then all of a sudden it will have restarted itself. So i don't know if it had shut itself off, or what, but neither does it indicate that it was shut down improperly. also, have tried this in various combinations of battery charged fully, with or without ac power, and it invariably happens, regardless of power setup.

Also, sometimes I will close the lid to put it to sleep and i can still hear it "working", and I think that is weird.

So, I'm thinking I will reset the PMU? But does that mess with the hard drive and should I do a complete back up of my stuff first? I usually do a backup/archive by making a bootable clone on an external hd, and archive stuff to cd's. ok, thanks for your advice. and i am still under 1 year warranty of parts and labor and live by 2 apple stores, if you think it needs to be taken in for repairs.


macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2004
annelize said:
My ibook g4 (os x 10.3.7) is having some sleep issues - mainly, I will close the lid to put it to sleep, and then upon opening the lid, (even after just 1 minute of sleep time), it will not wake up, and it will not respond to me pushing the power button, and then all of a sudden it will have restarted itself. So i don't know if it had shut itself off, or what, but neither does it indicate that it was shut down improperly. also, have tried this in various combinations of battery charged fully, with or without ac power, and it invariably happens, regardless of power setup.

Also, sometimes I will close the lid to put it to sleep and i can still hear it "working", and I think that is weird.

So, I'm thinking I will reset the PMU? But does that mess with the hard drive and should I do a complete back up of my stuff first? I usually do a backup/archive by making a bootable clone on an external hd, and archive stuff to cd's. ok, thanks for your advice. and i am still under 1 year warranty of parts and labor and live by 2 apple stores, if you think it needs to be taken in for repairs.

Sounds more like when ur putting it to sleep, its shutting it down. Try this:
You can reset the PMU or PRAM (I think if you do the PMU, it'll do PRAM), but it won't mess up the hard drive. I'm thinking it has to do more with your PRAM settings being incorrect. What happens when you click Apple->Sleep ??? If you can tell us that, then we may be able to help you out more. I'm thinking its pram though. It could be software though too.


macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2004
annelize said:
then it will still do the same thing and not wake up corrrectly.
So that gives you problems too. Try resetting the PMU and if that doesn't work, reset PRAM, and if that doesn't work, update to version 10.3.8 or 10.3.9

EDIT: you could also recalibrate the battery - leave on the iBook till the battery runs out, it'll go to sleep and the battery will be calibrated. But do PRAM, and PMU first. (no particular order on those 2).
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